Chapter 44

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* Genie's POV *

Where am I? I hear music... faintly but I hear music, which means I'm in a club... Why'd they take me here?

I'm on a bed, a dirty small bed. It had rags for sheets and a long chain that was connected to my wrist. I pulled at the chain. It's not gonna break.

I look around. I see a gate, like those you see on the center of an iron fence.

I look at my legs... their badly bruised. My feet have little scratches on them. I couldn't help but cry. This room IS like a prison cell. I'm all by myself.

I want my sister Rachelle.... what happened to her?

* Rachelle's POV *

We were still in the trunk.

Me and the other girl. I was able to get that piece of string off of her mouth, so she could talk. She told me thank you.

She looks likes she's 8. I ask her name. "My name is Renaé. What's yours?" I smile friendly-like. "I'm Rachelle" Renaé smiled. "Can we be friends?"

I smile. "How about best friends?"

Renaé smiled as the trunk door opened. Two people stood over us, smirking.

One grabbed me and the other took Renaé. We didn't dare to scream though. We knew it wouldn't end well for us.

They gave us to this guy and he took us to some place where they played music. He opened a large metal door and the way us in.

He closed it and walked off, leaving me and Renaé to ourselves.


I turn around and see Genie, hurt, her little hand tied to the bed with a chain. I picked myself up and ran to her. "Genie! I'm so happy to see you!! Renaé this is my sister Genie!"

Renaé smiled faintly.

"She doesn't talk much Genie" I said as my sister was trying to untie the rope with one hand. Watching TMNT is very helpful.

When I was free, I untied Renaé. She looked happy. I nodded at her.

The gate opened and food was shoved to us. There was three measly pieces of bread, three baby bottle cups filled with water, and a spoonful of I don't know what.

We gave everybody one of each and munched slowly on the food. It tasted edible, that's for sure.

I wish daddy would save us already.

* Bruno's POV *

"Doctor! El paciente se está despertando!" (doctor! The patient is waking up!)

"Dejalo. Necesitamos a ayudarlo también mentalmente.... pobre, perdió su hijas." (let him. We need to help him mentally as well.... poor guy, he lost his daughters)

I opened my eyes slowly. Then I shut them back. The room was too lit up. The nurse looked at me. Her accent got the better of her.

"Sir? Are you alright? Please open your eyes so we know your hearing"

I opened my eyes. The nurse and the doctor looked at me. "Bruno Mars?"


"Are you alright?"

"....I got hit with two tranquilizer darts, got punched in the chest and lost my two daughters... what do you think?!"

"Mr. Mars... we are trying our best to help you. We know what you are going through. Mexico will help you"

"Help me how?"

"They'll help you get your children back"


"They're going to hire the best officials to assist you. Don't worry"

Don't worry.... too late

*Here's the update. I can tell you people are aching to read more so here yea go!
I have bad news. Bad news is that my parents gave me a surprise trip... again... so I can't update August 17-22.
I know I won't cause they're gonna take us to the middle of nowhere. And no phones too.... yay.... so I will have to speed up to the good parts this and next week.
So I shall leave now!
I'll update Saturday!

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