Freshly Baked First Requests Featuring Barbie Boy

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Eva: *opens phone to see three requests already.* wOAH HOLD THE PHONE 

Lily: Are we already getting requests?

Gladion: I swear to Arceus it better not be a bunch of me fangirls wanting me to kiss them-

Eva: Nope! Oh, Lillie? You, Mallow, Acerola and Luka might want to go get Ilima and play dress up. *flashes her the phone screen*

Lillie: Hmm? *gasps and smiles* Thank you! *rushes off whole digging in her bag for her hairbrush*

Gladion: I feel so sorry for that poor man.

Kiawe: I heard the news.

Mina: We got dares or what?

Eva: Yep! The first one is-

Hau: Wait? Free cookies! Sweet! *takes one and eats it whole* 

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Hau: Wait? Free cookies! Sweet! *takes one and eats it whole* 

Mina: They better be chocolate chip and not an oatmeal raisin trap... *bites into it. It's real good.*

Kiawe: Might as well. Lana? Want one?

Lana: Yes please.

Eva: I can give the rest out later.

Kukui: Yo don't I get one?

Eva: Of course Professor! Speaking of you... 

Kukui: Why I don't wear a shirt under my lab coat? See, Alola has a warmer climate than most other regions and it's just more comfortable for me

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Kukui: Why I don't wear a shirt under my lab coat? See, Alola has a warmer climate than most other regions and it's just more comfortable for me.

*thousands of fangirls screech in the distance.*

Kukui: *sighs* that too...

Eva: Alrighty then!

Mallow: Oh eeeeeeveryoooone~

Acerola: Look look look!

Lillie: *smiles innocently*

Lillie: *smiles innocently*

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Luka: Bring the beat in! 

Gladion: *under his breath* anything for you Beyoncé.

Ilima: I feel... ridiculous. Yet at the same time fabulous.

Luka: First time crossdressing? You get used to it. It's called thrill

Illima: Ah, Yes. Now, what were my lyrics again Mallow dear?

Mallow: *hands him a paper with scribbled writing* Just thought you'd appreciate a parody!

Acerola: HIT IT

Ilima: *singing* I'm a Barbie boy, not just your boy toy. Life in plastic, it's fantastic. You can dress my hair, but don't touch me anywhere. Your imagination, my life is your creation.


Ilima: *super Into it* I'm a baribe boy! And it ain't no ploy! In the dollhouse, make me your king or your spouse. You can change my looks, don't need to use words like the books! I'm trial captain Ilima, it's great to see ya~

Mina: Damn. 

Everyone: *apllauds And congratulates*

Acerola: *to the audience* thanks for watching and I hope you loved this chapter! Don't forget to ask and dare us loads, okay?

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