Cutie Pie

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Luka: *wiping off Gladion's ugly emo makeup* the nerve of him.... let's see if there's anything for me on Eva's phone...

Luka: Awww! This is, like, the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! You're amazing person!

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Luka: Awww! This is, like, the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! You're amazing person!

Acerola: Wait, I thought I was the cute one?

Molayne: Shhh, this is Luka's chapter. Let's go play house witn Sophocles, Lana, Kiawe, And Nanu.

Acerola: Okay!

Luka: I take really good care of my skin and hair. I shampoo and condition twice daily with my showers. One in the morning and one at night. I use lotion and other skin color are products to prevent any kind of acne at all. Then I normally wear basic makeup such as foundation, blush, and eyeliner on a daily basis. On fancy days I wear eyeshadow, lip gloss NOT lipstick, and mascara! Oh! And I always have my ring fingers painted light pink and the rest painted Fuchsia! 

Ilima: Are You sure they meant cute as in looks? They can't see you so they must have meant your personality.

Luka: Oh, right Ilima! Well, I just like what I like. I'm proud to be a gay male and I watch a lot of James Charles. Ilima is an adorable sweetheart I look up to and I love my Bug, Fairy, And Psychic types! 

Ilima: *bloosh* Ah, Yes, well... thank you Luka. This chapter was supposed to be about you, but you are being adorable right now so I'm certain you're on topic.

Luka: *grins* then I guess I'm doing it right! Thank you for the self esteem boost, requestor. You're amazing and I hope you have an amazing day! 

Ilima: Everybody have an amazing day and please keep requesting, it make sus happy to entertain you. Goodbye!

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