Luka's Plan

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Luka: *sketching something*

Ilima: Luka, what are you doing out here alone?

Luka: Oh, uh, me? I was just drawing a new idea. Boris is actually with me. Say hi Boris!

*a Slowpoke raises his head and lets out a greeting cry to Ilima before curling back up and trying to fall asleep at Luka's side*

Ilima: Well, What's this new idea? *sits down next to him*

Luka: *bloosh* Uh, well, it's a new fashion line but it tells a story. It's something new and I'm not sure if it's the best idea.

Ilima: Go on....

Luka: *sighs and flips open to the first drawing. It is very femme with pink and lace* This is the first dress that would be presented in the show. It's supposed to be reminiscent of a young girl. *flips page. It's a longer skirt with more modest sleeves, purple mixed in with the mostly pink dress.* This one is entering the teenage years, where everything is awkward and you question everything, maybe she twelve or eleven where everything flips upside down.

Ilima: Luka, is this going where I think it's going?

Luka: Head me out, okay? *flips to the third drawing. It's an entirely purple minidress with pink and blue ribbons clashing on it* This one Is-

Ilima: Dysphoria.

Luka: Yeah. That's what it is. I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you at all. Especially since-

Ilima: No, no. I'm not upset. I'm more proud and intrigued than upset. I have a feeling this was designed for people like Hau and myself, for comfort and to show the entire world that we exist. In fact, I adore the use of purple as the transition color.

Luka: *nods* Yeah. I noticed how upset Hau has been recently with his identity and his dysphoria, so I thought I could make him a gift using the thing that started this whole mess in the first place. I wasn't going to make any of these except for the fifth one, which would be a gift to him.

Ilima: You're such a sweet person, Luka. To think of someone else so sincerely Andy put so much thought into your plan to make them feel better.

Luka: Yeah, Thanks Ilima, now.... *turns page. It's a blue and purple jumper that looks similar to a dress with the legs together, purple waistband with accents on both the collar and sleeves.* This one is coming to terms with yourself.

Ilima: ...

Luka: Ilima?

Ilima: I'd like to wear this design. 

Luka: You would? It wouldn't bother you?

Ilima: I'm still getting comfortable in my body and waiting to get the surgery I want. Besides, I wouldn't want Hau thinking he was alone now do I?

Luka: *grins* I'll be sure to sew you something wonderful. I don't have your measurements, though. *flips to the last page. Navy blue slacks accompany a light blue fanciful shirt with a cerulean tie and indigo accents.* This is the last one I plan to make for Hau. What do you think?

Ilima: *smiles* I think it's lovely.

Luka: *deep inhale* I'll make sure they're both done as soon as possible.

Time Skip (they got Eva, Mina, and Lillie in on it.)

Hau: Gladi? What are we doing?

Gladion: *knows of the plan* shhhhh. It's a surprise. We decided to do something to help you with your dysphoria.

Hau: *deflates* oh... you knew....

Gladion: So Luka came up with a plan to cheer you up And he designed this for you!

*pulls out the fifth outfit in Luka's sketchbook*

Hau: *gasp* Gladion... This is....

Luka: Beautiful, right?

Hau: Luka, you made this for me?

Gladion: Yeah, he did. And he made more than just one. It's a full freaking series. He's giving me a run for my money as your boyfriend...

Hau: *kisses his cheek* you know I love you and only you.

Luka: Watch and be amazed as I take you through a journey inspired by you! Lillie! Be a darling and come out here!

Lillie: *in the first costume design* Hello Hau, I'm glad to see you doing better.

Hau: That's-

Luka: Evangeline! If you please!

Eva: *wearing the second outfit* Yo wassup? I heard you were sad and Luka said doing this little fashion thing would cheer you up so here I am!

Hau: Gladion, did you plan this?

Gladion: Nope, all this was Luka's idea. He wanted to help you.

Hau: and this fashion line is my-

Luka: your transition, Yep! So If Mina would be so kind to come out and show her lovely dress off that would be great!

Mina: *in third design* Can I go now?

Luka: Nope! Because we have one more!

Hau: Kiawe?

Gladion: *snickers* That would be hilarious but no.

Luka: Ilima! Show us the last one!

Ilima: *in the fourth outfit* Here I am, and I actually want to say something. *walks up to Hau and takes his hands* Never feel weak for being who you are. You are a strong man. You are a boy if you say you're a boy. Nothing can change who you are. You're beautiful, you're happy, and you're loved. As long as you are happy with who you are, everything is okay.

Hau: *tearing up* thank you... thank you all...

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