He wants his own story...

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Hänsel: *walking around like he normally does when he's lost in thought*

Luka: Honey? What's up?

Hänsel: *mumbles*

Luka: I can't hear you sweetheart...

Hänsel: I want my own story.

Luka: But we have the 30 Day thing about the neighborhood. Do you want another one?

Hänsel: *pouts* No, I want to be the main character. Or maybe do something cool. More than just a slice of life. Call me selfish, but...

Luka: I understand. But what would the story even be about?

Hänsel: *stars in eyes* An adventure story! A lot like the stories Uncle Clover tells us! Or a horror mystery story! Or! Or! Something epic and cool!

Luka: *chuckles* So you want to basically be a hero?

Hänsel: YES!!!

Luka: Or....

Hänsel: No that's what I want.

Luka: Oh, okay. I was just going to say some super cool idea but I guess you don't want to hear it.

Hänsel: *anticipation killing him* What? What!?

Luka: *grins* A Oneshot book for us.

Hänsel: I wanted a story.

Luka: Alright. But why don't we ask what everybody else wants?

Hänsel: As long as I get my story!

Luka: So... what kind of story should Hänsel get?

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