Uncle Nan

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Eva: Hey Uncle Nan?

Nanu: I told you to stop- what? *takes flowers from her* want are these for?

Eva: Thank you for being nice to the boys earlier. They can be sassy little children at times and get a bit too hurt, but I love them. It means a lot that you'd step in for us.

Nanu: Well, uh, no problem?

Eva: *grins* great! I know you're a plocie Officer but you're also a dark type master so I was going to ask if you wanted to play some cards? Don't worry, it's legal here. And no money gambling. Just candy and dares depending on who plays.

Nanu: Cards? I dunno kid, I'm really rusty. I haven't played anything more than a game of crazy eights recently. Wait... who's playing so far?

Eva: Mina, Hänsel, Gladion, Guzma, And me! We're probably going to be betting tootsie rolls or popsicles. You don't have to play, just thought I'd ask.

Nanu: *long exaggerated sigh* Fine. I'll play.

Eva: Yesssss! *running off to premeotioned group* GUYS UNCLE NAN IS GOING TO PLAY WITH US!!!

Group: Yay!

Nanu: *shakes head* She's a rough one.

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