Back so Soon?

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Ilima: Luka? You're back? I thought you were running off with Hänsel! Is everything okay? Is he hurt?

Luka: ...

Mina: You okay kid? Your face is as white as a sheet, and that's saying something when you're a shade darker than Kukui.

Luka: ...

Ilima: Oh dear, what happened? What can we do to make it better? 

Sophocles: Hey, I know that face. That's the same face I made when my online girlfriend broke up with me! Didn't you get dumped?

Luka: *sighs and nods*

Sophocles: I knew it! Wait-

Mina and Ilima: HÄNSEL DUMPED YOU!??!!!

Luka: *softly* he said that I didn't support his choices even though I did. I tried to tell him I'd follow him anywhere but he didn't believe me when I asked him if he was really sure about leaving the group because we loved it here and he told me to go back and he never wanted to see me again because I chose friends over him.

Mina: *higs the poor too gay child* oh sweetie... Hänsel was always a dickhead. I'm so sorry you got dumped like that. You deserve better.

Ilima: I'm sure he didn't mean to be that harsh... but the bright side is that you can stay with us now.

Sophocles: Yeah! We don't need no stinkin' Hänsel! You got us! And Evangeline can get a new friend to replace him! Someone even better!

Mina: Yeah! Evangeline did say she'd make some new original characters. So you definitely won't be the only original character!

Luka: *weak smile* that's really nice.

Ilima: *slowly joins the hug to wrap his arms around Luka* I'm very sorry, my dear. You didn't deserve that. We love you, Darling.

Luka: *tearing up* thank you. I needed that.

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