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Luka: *reading Eva's phone because she's sick* This book has such a sweet fandom... *smiles* Everybody is so accepting. Thank you everyone...

 Thank you everyone

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Luka: Eva gave me honorary powers to poof in the requestor for this chapter since I'm her OC and she's really weak right now

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Luka: Eva gave me honorary powers to poof in the requestor for this chapter since I'm her OC and she's really weak right now. So 

*Tiannah and Ellie poof in*

Luka: Hello Girls! Hau, Kiawe, And Ilima should Be over there. And Ellie, I managed to snag Gladion just for you. *winks*

Ellie: *bloosh* Thank you.

Tiannah: Yay! *runs up and hugs Kiawe*

Kiawe: ?!

Ellie: *calmly walks up to both Hau and Ilima and waits for their attention.*

Tiannah: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Kiawe!

Kiawe: Hello?

Hau: Hey, who's this?

Ilima: Ah, Evangeline talked to us plenty about you. You must be Miss Ellie, aren't you? I've heard you had a request to hug each of us.

Hau: Woah, really? Word of requests must get around fast to you Ilima!

Ilima: *smiles warmly* I also heard you're a Gladion fan so I thought we'd summon him here to so we can make you feel extra special. 

Tiannah: *jumps in and hugs Hau too* Lots Of hugs for everyone!

Gladion: Lets just get this overwith.

*giant group hug including everyone, even Kiawe. ...and Luka because he needs the attention.*

Ellie: I also had a question for both you and Hau, Ilima, but if you don't want to answer that's fine too.

Ilima: Hau, would you be able to answer.

Hau: Depends. What's the question?

Luka: *reading off the phone* When was the first time someone called you by your correct pronouns and how did you feel?

Hau: oh.... well, my parents didn't really understand at first so I went to live with Gramps during most off my transition. Gramps was awesome and he made me feel Valid and accepted. He used my correct pronouns greeting me home and I cried. It meant a lot to have Hala on my side.

Ilima: For me my Dad was confused, but my Mom understood. She instantly corrected her speech and she talked to my Dad alone about it. My parents were majorly accepting and I never felt more proud of myself than then.

Ellie: Thank you for answering.

Hau: No problem!

Luka: Well, that's about it for this chapter. I hope everyone has a great day!

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