Team (insert name here) Leader Evangeline!

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Eva: Heh heh heh

Guzma: No bugs?! What's the big idea?!

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Guzma: No bugs?! What's the big idea?!

Plumeria: I've never tried catching a Seviper... they're real cool...

Gladion: *Skull the Scrafty  is highkey his favorite*

Eva: We gots Skull, Snek, Odin, Ophelia, Phoenix, AND King up in here! Pay your respects!

Ilima: ... *mumbles something*

Hau: What was that Ilima?

Ilima: *embarassed* NOTHING!!!

Eva: *wearing a lavender collared shirt, purple suspenders, black slacks, a black belt, and hair down long as well as bowling style shoes.* Ladies, Lords, and Non-Binary Royals. I present to you the leader of Team... uh... Team....

Plumeria: Something based on darkness or poison or something. Idk

Guzma: You really should get a crustle or sumthin... at least make a bug type admin for ya boi!

Eva: I will Guzma, and thanks Plumeria... uh... team...

Ilima: *mumbles* Obsidian would be cool...


Eva: *grins* Obsidean! Yes! Team Obsedian! Thank you Ilima!

Ilima: problem.

Eva: Introducing the Leader Of Team Obsidian! Stronger than any champion and a ,aster of the dark arts~

Guzma, Gladion, Plumeria, And Gladion: WHOOP WHOOP!!

Ilima: *mumbles the same thing again. Shhhh, it's a secret*

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