Wooloo~🎶 ☀️Big Summer Blowout☀️

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Lillie: She's been practically foaming at the mouth.

Mallow:I haven't seen her to excited since she started this book!

Mallow:I haven't seen her to excited since she started this book!

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Kiawe: Oh no....

Lana: She's gonna blow!


Kiawe: We should probably leave before we hear the entire theory rant on typings, moves, and IVs....

Lana: Wait I kinda wanna hear what she thinks the type might be.

Kiawe: ...

Lana: ...?

Kiawe: *drags her away*

Eva: Okay so based on what we were shown and how Wooloo was the first Pokemon revealed otherthan the sterters I would like to believe that Wooloo is the original normal type we receive at the beginning of the game in the earliest routes. You know, this game's version of Rattata and Lilipup. With that said the IVs and stats wouldn't be naturally high and Wooloo would definately have three evolutions, similar to Mareep which I want to use as a base for how this Pokémon name will evolve.

Mina: So you think normal type? Do you think it might get a dual type? Perhaps fairy or steel or something?

Ilima: I kind of enjoy Wooloo as a pure normal type. They would be a wonderful new addition to my team. I do have an empty spot.

Eva: Acutally I would love for that to be the case Mina! See, based on Wooloo's design which I will put in the chapter below:

Eva: Acutally I would love for that to be the case Mina! See, based on Wooloo's design which I will put in the chapter below:

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Eva: Wooloo has the ability run away or fluffy, which are both fitting for the animal this Pokémon is based off of

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Eva: Wooloo has the ability run away or fluffy, which are both fitting for the animal this Pokémon is based off of. But the ability fluffy really sparked my interest. What Pokémon do Wooloo remind you of? Cottonee and Whimscott. Both grass types. HOWEVER Game Freak already revealed the grass type of the game so I doubt that they would make this Pokémon another grass/norma, Type in Evolution. Instead I want to focus on cottonee. What is cottonee's Dual type? That's right. Fairy. Think of other fairy types. Fluffy and adorable. Now go back to the Mareep thing. Mareep is pink. Fairies are pink. Mind = Blown.

Mina: Another dual normal/fairy type? I would have thought a different think like steel or flying ot something to go with the color palette...

Eva: Aha! But that is only one theory. Think of it like this. Remember all the goats and sheeps in Pokémon. Mareep, Skiddo, exetera. All of them are pure types. Skiddo maintains pure grass. Mareep maintains pure electric until mega evolution. Exetera. Same with all beginning Pokémon. Yungoos, Rattata, Lilipup, Zigzagoon... all of them are pure normal types. Except for one: Bunnelby. Bunnelby Gained a ground Type And wasn't popular enough to give to Clemont in the anime. Game Freak just might be throwing us a curveball again after the Donald trump Yungoos incident and going back to the popularity of Bunnelby. Oh. And Bibarel. But Bibarel wasn't as popular as Bidoof.

Ilima: So if they were to do a dual type, what would you think Evangeline?

Lillie: *very curious and forming her own theories*

Eva: Steel.

Lillie, Mina, and Ilima: Steel!?

Eva: Yes! First of all, going back to what Mina said, look at the color palette. Everything is white, grey, and a brown so dark you could confuse it for black. Imagine an evolution of that, stronger and more llama like. In the Pokémon Direct the game said they use Wooloo fur for goods, but why not an evolution? Maybe that's because when it evolves the wool hardens and the Pokémon gains the steel type!

Mina: BS.

Eva: That's only my first theory for it gaining the steel type! Think about it: Do we have a steel/normal type? No! And the United Kingdom, the irl place the region is based off of, is very industrialized as well as having urban places. Look at the towns for example! Maybe, just like the land, Wooloo urbanized itself to gain the steel type and maybe even lose the normal type all together by its final evolution! Becoming a Steel/Fairy or a Steel/Rock Type! Steel/Fairy because the cute design and fairy could be shielded of poison making the Pokémon super powerful. Or steel/rock because the evolution chain might be based more on animals like llamas and other mountain climbing creatures.

Lillie: Woah.

Ilima: That's... incredibly smart... but also highly unlikely.

Mina: Okay. Whatever. Got any other brilliant ideas for Wooloo about what might happen?

Eva: Yes! See, I've been looking into the more recent starting normal types and ive noticed that they've stopped going on three evolutions recently. Such as with Bunnelby and Bibarel and Yungoos. However 2/3 of these Pokémon ave gained a dual type. So I believe that if Wooloo is a dual type Wooloo will only have a primary and secondary stage, however if Wooloo ends up a normal type Wooloo will have all three evolutions. Like Mareep. And maybe, just like Mega Ampharos, might gain a dual type in the final evolution!

Mina: That one is actually plausible....

Eva: But Wait! There's more! 

Mina: Arceus save me now...

Eva: Based on the anikitt Runaway I can lead back to two different Pokémon primarily: Eevee and Bunneary. Both are pure normal types. This evidence suggests that Wooloo might be a pure normal type. That is the most likely answer. HOWEVER since Eevee evolves into several other types and when Bunneary evolves into Loppuny and when Loppuny mega evolves it gains the fighting dual type, I still stand by my headcannon that Wooloo will eventually gain a dual type. Most likely by the end of the evolution chain.

Ilima: What Type would that dual type be? Steel or Fairy or something else?

Eva: My guess is Steel or Fairy. Or maybe even BECOME a Steel/Fairy like I explained earlier.

Lillie: *writing all this down* And that's how you make Pokémon theories? Use what the region is based off of and color palettes and abilities to predict what they may be?

Eva: Yep!

Lillie: Woah. I need to learn this for when I inherit the Aether foundation!

Mina: I still don't buy it. I'm pure normal type all the way. I'll bet on it.

Eva: deal! 

*they shake on it*

Ilima: Well... that was a doosey. Don't forget to ask and dare! We love the attention! See you later my loviles.

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