Bug Buddies!

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Guzma: Yooooooo you cant beat a Wimpod though! Best primary bug type!

Eva: But have you SEEN a surskit? So cute! 

Guzma: Wimpod is the BEST

Eva: I never said Wimpod wasn't the best! Honestly I love Wimpod a lot! I wish I put one on one of my teams.

Guzma: Bug types are the best.

Eva: I knowwwwwwww! They're super effective against grass AND phychic AND dark! Very great for endgame!

Guzma: And totally badass!

Eva: Language

Guzma: Sorry. 

Eva: Thank you.


Eva: Broooo that's too hard of a decision there are so many good ones!

Guzma: I just wanted to torture you. Ha!

Eva: You First! Favorite bug/poison type!

Guzma: Scolipide! Wait, no, Beedrill! Wait, no UHHHHHHHHHHHH

Eva: Hard, isn't it? 

Guzma: NO FAIR!!!

Eva: Way fair. How about this: Beautifuly of Dustox

Guzma: Obviosuly Dustox

Eva: THANK YOU!!! All my friends prefer Beautifuly and I hate it!

Guzma: It's way cooler.

Eva: YASS!!!

Guzma: Wait I got another hard question! Favorite Bug/Flying Type!

Eva: Vespiquen, Duh. I love my Olivia. She's a Queen.

Guzma: Nah Yanmega. I'd love to have one of those on my team.

Eva: You would have been an amazing bug type trial captain if you weren't in Team Skull.

Guzma: Duuude. I would have don't ANYTHING to be a bug type gym leader in Sinnoh or something. I LOVE bug types!

Eva: If I were a gym leader I'd wanna be a bug type leader or a poison leader. If I was poison I'd use a lot of bug and grass types but also have some water and other dual types for diversity. Definately have a seviper.

Guzma: Dude Spinark or Joltik

Eva: ... I hate you.

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