Maid Factor

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Gladion: CAN'T CATCH ME GAY THOUGHTS *sprints off*

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Gladion: CAN'T CATCH ME GAY THOUGHTS *sprints off*

Luka: YES WE CAN!!! *dashes after him with the dress in hand.*

Hau: *sips tea* How long do you think it'll be before Luka catches up to him?

Lillie: Gladion never was good at running. I'll give him maybe five minutes. Just to catch up though. It'll take forever to get him in that dress decently. Don't even get me started on makeup and hair.

Hau: So, at least an hour for the entire thing?

Lillie: Yep.

Three Hours Later

Gladion: I hate you EddsworldUwu. I hate you more, Luka.

Luka: *filing his nails* I love you too, boo. Hau~! You're maid is done~!

Hau: *flashes grin* Wow, you look cute!

Gladion: *face entirely red*

Lillie and Luka: *high five*

Lillie: I'm taking a picture for blackmail.

Gladion: Noooooooooooooo!

Hau: Hey, can you send that to me? I want it for my screensaver.


Luka: *snickers* family goals.

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