Another Princess of Skulls Joins

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Plumeria: Y'know, I'm digging this.

Guzma: Yooo that's so liiiiit!

Gladion: A revival of team skull, but it isn't an antagonist organization? Sounds like a fanfiction waiting to be written...

Eva: *wearing the team skull outfit, but more her own* HECK YEAH!!!

Mina: Wait, can I get in on this?

Luka: Y'all need Makeovers! The same outfit gets redundant!

Ilima: *highkey uncomofrtable*

Eva: *with a new special team of Pokémon (well, using her old Pokémon but a new Team Skull team)* This is gonna be sweet! Also I better show the team, but I'm lazy. You'll have to go back to see, but we gots Tiny, Harley, Skull, King, Homura, and Ralsei. Ralsei is what we decided to name Phione <3

Plumeria: Woah, I expected more poison type Pokémon.

Eva: *shrugs* this is just a rough draft for team skull me. Who knows? I might even have a fully new tea, of all new Pokémon for team skull me.

Guzma: *throws a stick* go on! Get it King!

Mina: ...Is it weird I relate to Homura?

Gladion: ...ditto.

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