Luka is Sad Because Nobody Asked about Him

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Luka: *sigh*

Sophocles: Luka? Hey dude, what's up?

Ilima: Is everything alright?

Luka: Oh, hey. It's just... don't people normally ask about the original characters in these kind of books first thing? It makes me feel... left out? I don't know.

Sophocles: Hey, don't get do down! You know we don't control the asks and dares.

Ilima: There's truth in that statement. I don't like singing the Barbie boy song Mallow and Acerola made for me, but I had to. I'd much prefer to craft the lyrics myself. 

Sophocles: I don't even get mentioned anyways! Look. I'm sure you'll get your time pretty soon. If not, well it won't come to that. Okay?

Ilima: I'm also certain Evangeline will write you an OC story. Even if the audience here isn't interested I'm sure someone will be eventually.

Luka: *sniff* thank you both, guys. I love you. *hugs*

Ilima: We love you too.

Sophocles: Platonically.

Luka: Heh, good one Soph.

Sophocles: Soph? Is that my nickname? Someone gave me a nickname! I feel special! 

Ilima: *chuckles* You don't need any asks or dares to fit in with us, Luka. I'm sure someone will ask about why you dyed your hair the way you did and why you act so femininely.

Luka: Yeah! And my colored contacts and about my Pokémon team! It's not long now before people get genuinely curious about me!

Mina: *from the distance* You know, I think adding Luka in here was really for the best. I'm starting to grow accustomed to you two dorks.

Eva: Really? That means a lot coming from someone like you who hated me and Luka from the begining.

Mina: He makes Ilima and Sophocles happy, who am I to ruin that?

Eva: Yeah. Let's hope Sophocles and Luka get the attention they deserve. They've worked hard for it and they're amazing human beings.

Mina: Preach it sister.

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