A Good Friend Spammed Us With Dares Part Two

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Eva: part two of PokemonGladion's requesting list so here we go!

Eva: part two of PokemonGladion's requesting list so here we go!

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Ilima: Allow Gladion to dress me up?

Gladion: *resdy to sprint just in case*

Ilima: Gladion, do you have any recommendations to what I'm supposed to wear? It's the dare.

Gladion: Wait, I'm not the one being dressed up?

Ilima: No?

Gladion: Oh, sweet. Since you're actually cool I'm not going to go overboard with you. How about some ripped jeans, an Imagine Dragons shirt, a leather jacket, then come see me so I can get your hair and accessories done. And makeup if that's cool with you.

Ilima: Alright, Thank you Gladion. I'll go ask Luka for the clothes now.

Gladion: Luka? Wait nO!!!

Severa, minutes later 

Ilima: I think the nose piercing may be too much, but I do enjoy the earrings.

Gladion: *shrugs with a smug smile* I thought the hoops would be more your style than the skulls. I think you look pretty radical. Can I take a photograph?

Ilima: Of course! Only if I can keep this shirt. I simply adore it!

Gladion: *already got the photo on his phone* Deal!

Eva: Hey, who's ready to go paint balling? It's another dare and- *freezes*

Ilima: Hello Evangeline!

Gladion: 'Sup.

Eva: ...Dare?

Ilima and Gladion: Dare.

Eva: You should probably change before paint balling. Sophocles and Mina want to go ASAP and if Luka sees you in that he's gonna go nuts and we'll be here for hours.

Ilima: Of course.

Gladion: *Rolls eyes* Yes Ma'am.

Eva: *cringed and walks away*


Sophocles: AND SHOOT GUNS!!!

Lillie: I'm scared... *hugs Mallow for comfort*

Mallow: Don't worry, you'll be fine. I'll protect you!

Luka: Awww, Cute! Anyways, thanks for requesting and being an amazing audience out there, readers! It really helps with all of our self esteems and everything! No way go be awesome people! Bye!

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