Big Buff Cheeto Puff

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*Acerola, Luka, And Mina are all already messing with Ilima's floofy hair

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*Acerola, Luka, And Mina are all already messing with Ilima's floofy hair. He doesn't seem to mind.*

Luka: Eva's Phoenix went off and PrettyCureLillie has two questions for us.

Ilima: Oh? She wasn't lovely last time so I'm sure it's nothing too horrible.

Acerola: Yay I finally get asks! Whatsit read?

Luka: Okay, show of hands, who here knows Dear Evan Hansen?

Everyone: *raises left hand*

Luka: Okay Nice. She was asking if we all knew the Song Sincerely Me. I didn't know if Shen wanted us to sing it or what. But she asked if we knew it.

Acerola: It's my favorite one!

Mina: Wait a second, who let the little girl listen to the song with the drug references?

Ilima: It's very minor and all jokes, so I'm sure she's fine. *remembers the first verse* Nevermind who let her listen to it?

Mina: Five dollars it was Nanu.

Acerola: 🎶All that it takes is a little Re In Ven Tion!🎶

Luka: And then she asks who's the buffest boi in the land?


Acerola: Sophocles?

Mina: Buff, not fat.

Ilima: Excuse me Sophocles is beautifully fluffy thank you very much.

Mina: *rolls eyes* does it have to be a boy? I know Olivia works out and she's pretty ripped.

Luka: Question says a boy, sweetie. I don't work out so it's not me. I'd have to say Kukui.

Ilima: The Professor? I would have said it was Kiawe.

Mina: I'm still saying Olivia. She could destroy both of them in a fight.

Acerola: It could be Ilima?

Ilima: No, Acerola. I'm very skinny. Buff means has a lot of muscles.

Acerola: Like Buzzwole!


Mina: I mean, a male buzzwole would be a boy.

Luka: They are pretty buff.

Ilima: *pats her head* Good job Acerola. Buzzwole is the buffest boi in the land.

Mina: Now that it's settled can you stay still Ilima? I can tell do this braid with you talking and moving your head!

Ilima: *shuts up*

Luka: *lowkey jealous* That was adorable.

Acerola: No I'm the adorable one! Me!

Luka:*laughs* yes you are.

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