Chapter 2. touchy subject

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I will be updating more this week because school starts soon :(! and i want to get the story going! how do you like it so far? heheeh


Cameron and I spent the whole morning together trying to find a desk for my new office in New York. I have two offices, one in Cali and now here. After the wedding Nash has a movie to shoot, so me living in new york for about 2 to 3 years didn't sound bad at all. we went to all the stores he knew but i couldn't find the right one. i puffed out my cheeks while walking with cam.

"You have time don't worry" he says with a smile.

"Come on i bet your hungry!" he takes my hand tugging towards a hot dog stand. i giggle as we stand in line.

"so when is Nash coming to New York?" he asks while we wait.

" well, you know he has his new movie coming out, he has interviews and what no in Cali right now, he said 2 months before the wedding if everything goes well." i say fiddling with my fingers.

"What about the other boys? when are they coming to get fitted" i ask moving up the line.

"Lets see, Shawn is coming next month, Jacob is coming next week right?" he asks i nod smiling knowing one of my best friends was going to be here soon.

"And then taylor is coming in later this month" he mumbles.

"Why say it like that?" i ask laughing.

"Anything that has to do with you know who, is a very touchy subject" he says. my jaw drops. he isn't a touchy subject. i just don't like to think about it a lot. Cameron walks back to me with two hot dogs. he hands me one that already has Ketchup

"Have you talked to him?" i asked.

"I stopped talking to him about 2 months ago. he is a very busy man now" i nod.

"Does he live in New York? or was that just for college?" he takes a bite of the hot dog. i smile at how messy he is.

"All his companies are located here, last time i talked to him he was heading to london for business" i nod. we ate our hot dogs in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Have you talked to him?" he asks. i bit my bottom lip. i haven't spoken to him since our last night at his house. his voice still fresh in my mind.

"No." i finally say.

"I know how important this was to him, so i never really tried to find him." i say

"You wanted him to find you" i glare at him.

"He never did though. don't get me wrong i am proud of all the things he's done. "


"But he forgot me in the process." i sadly say. after he had left all summer i felt like i was losing myself. i was sad, angry, tired of everything. i didn't go out or even talk to people. that is until Cameron returned from his college visit and vacation, he forced me out of the house. After those two long months i decided i'd make Matt proud too. his note said kick ass and that's what i was planing to do. i met Abby and Jane in college, both wanted something in business. Cameron and I stayed in touch talked and text almost every day. After 2 years of no sign of Matt, i felt like i was being forgotten. i went to Cameron's graduation party and saw Nash. i never expected him to take a liking in me. he was a famous actor still is. he took me out on a couple of dates and slowly i started to like him in that way. i care for Nash a lot. i love him. but in the back of my head that night at Cameron's party i was looking for Matt.

"That's not true. Matt would always ask about you when he called." Cam said. i shook my head, I didn't want to know this now. I have moved on.

"Cam, lets just drop it" i say.

"Sorry" he gives me the puppy dog eyes

"Your forgiven" i smile.

"So saturday you want to try again? i can't this week because i have to many things to perfect" i say standing up.

"You have 5 months until the wedding, take it easy " he teases

"and i can't i'm meeting up with someone for lunch" he says. i nod.

"Fine." i say rolling my eyes playfully.

"Seriously relax"

"Take this week off, maybe even two" i smile he pulls me into a hug and i hug him tight.

"I'll take off next week." i say pulling away. he chuckles.

"Fine, any plans for later?" we start walking back to my apartment.

"I have to take Jane to work because her car broke down, then Cake tasting with Ky" i grin.

"Good Luck with that" he says, we both know how she is with food.

~ *~

i carried two small boxes up to Jane's new desk. i sigh setting them down watching her come in with another box.

"All set?" i ask with a smile. she nods setting up her work place. i glance around her building, its huge with glass everywhere just like Cameron's place, but the doors to the big office are dark red so you can't see anything at all.

"Is your boss in there?" i ask

"no he is coming in saturday, i was interview by his father. He was in Paris taking care of who knows what" she shrugs. i nod

"Well if that's all you need i'll pick you up later?" i ask.

"Please do" she sweetly smiles. i nod waving goodbye to her. i take the elevator and i see Ky waiting against the Limo with James. well Cake tasting should be fun.

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