Chapter 20 We'll see

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Short but hope you like it (: hehe 

i dont want to make Nash an asshole but its hard haha! maybe i will double update tonight !! 


I sat on KY’s bed while she checked my face.

“You seem okay a purple cheek that’s all” she said letting my face go. She sat beside me looking down at her hands. I knew she wanted to say something but was holding back. I let my anger go today and I felt awful about it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I knew Nash would make her chose of the spot. I need to call Cameron.

“Why?” KY said, I looked down at her confused.

“Why did you have to come and confuse her? She was fine. He took care of her after you just left! You should have left her alone!” she said tugging her hair. I sighed getting up. I paced around the room trying to justify myself.

“KY, I know left but for a good reason. I didn’t leave because I didn’t love her. I still do, trust me if I could make the feelings go away I would! I want her to be happy don’t you think I know that Nash made her happy these past few years!” I said getting angry again.

“But I love her!” she shook her head.

“Then make it right! Make everything right instead of sneaking out!”

“We weren’t sneaking around! I am going to make it right. I need Cameron’s help,” I said taking out my phone. I texted Cameron

To Cam

I need you to take Riley out of the country for a month. Don’t ask question not yet at least I will pay for everything. But say you did this okay?


From Cam


I didn’t let KY know what was going on because she might tell Jacob. I was about to say something when we heard a screech. Our head snapped at the door and we ran out of her room. We went to Riley’s room where Nash was going out of control. He threw everything in sight. He harshly pushed Riley out of the way as he destroyed her room.

“I’m calling the police!” KY screamed.

“No! That will attract attention. I got this” Riley was on her bed crying. Nash was looking for something

“Nash, please stop!” she screamed. He ignored her removing the drawers. He was digging in her clothes.

“Nash !” I yelled. He his head snapped back at me

“Leave !” he yelled.

“YOU RUNIED EVERYTHING!” he got up until his face lit up. He shoved passed me opening the closet door. He looked around until he spotted a wooden box.

“Please don’t !!!” Riley screamed walking up to him, he shoved her back and I caught her. He opened the box pulling out the heart shaped necklace. My heart was racing and he turned to look at us.

“This ends now Riley! You are marrying me!” he shouts. Her cries are loud as she tries to reach the necklace

“Please Nash don’t break it!” she begs. I pull her back.

“Nash I will leave her alone, but don’t you see! You are making her want to leave!” I yelled.

“I don’t care! I cant have anything that belongs to you around her anymore!” he takes the necklace in his hands. He pulls hard until it breaks making the heart hit the ground.


I watch as the necklace I cared for so long breaks in front of me. I know Nash doesn’t mean harm and I know the anger is making him do all these things but I cant help but cry. I feel Ky’s arm around me and I sob on her shoulder. I don’t want to look at Nash or Matt. I hear footsteps and I know its Matts. He is leaving again and I sob even more.

“its okay” Ky coos in my ear. I feel her tense up and I look up. Nash Is standing in front of us. I straighten my self up.

“Leave Ky” I say wiping my face. She hesitant about leaving but I give her a small nod. She leaves us alone in my destroyed room. His eyes look anger, sad and full of regret. He knows what he has done.

“I want you to leave. I don’t want to look at you right now” I say crossing my arms.

“Riley, it’s a stupid necklace.” He bits back.

“To you! Not to me! “  I yell back.

“Its not even just that Nash!”

“Its about you not trusting me! Its about you telling the world about our wedding ! that was the only thing I  asked ! its about you fighting Matt! And about the necklace! “I tugged my hair

“see the pattern?” I asked

“You destroyed everything I cared about!” he frowns looking down good.

“I want you out tonight.” I say opening the door.

“Riley” he begs. I shake my head

“We can talk in two days.” He sighs walking towards me.

“I’m sorry about everything please lets just talk now” he holds my hand. I don’t pull away but I shake my head no

“We can talk about everything in two days”

“Is the wedding still on?” my heart sinks. I don’t know. Is it? I don’t know how I feel about all of this. I need to clear my mind. Maybe 2 days wasn’t enough but I had to do it. I had to make choices. I needed to listen to Nash first. Then I could decide.

“We’ll see”   

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