Chapter 38 Epilogue

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I played with the Eiffel Tower necklace I was so nervous that I could pee. I smoothed out my dress trying to calm myself down.

"You look perfect." Ky gushed. I blushed turning around to see my reflection. The white dress tight around my waist, with a heart shaped neckline, the lace of the mermaid dress was beautiful. My hair was curled perfectly to the side as the veil covered half of my hair. I smiled never in a million years did I think I was going to have 2 wedding.

"Holy crap Riley" I turn around to see Cameron with his mouth opened. That made my cheeks turn even more red.

"Aw Cam don't cry!" I say walking to him, he chuckles as his eyes water.

"you look so beautiful." He smiled hugging me tight. My heart skipped a beat and hugged him back.

"Thank you for always being here for me, even when I didn't deserve it" I whisper, now my eyes were watering.

"No Riley don't cry, your makeup" he teased pulling away. I laughing punching him playfully. I dab under my eyes carefully to not ruin KY creation as she likes to call it.

"He is going to be stunned." Cameron says sticking his hand out so I could take it.

"He better be or I am walking back and trying all over again" I joke, Ky and Cameron burst into a laugh. The soft music starts to play and my hands start to sweat.

"You'll be fine" Cameron links arms with me. I smile at his reassuring words. We walk towards the end of the aisle I took a peek inside My grandma stood on one side, Matt's dad and his step mom stood on the other. My heart stopped as I saw Matthew standing there he didn't seem to notice me. I look behind me as I see my girls and there guys next to them. Taylor paired up with Val, My bothers paired up with Jane and Ky. I looked at Cameron and he had a grin on his face. He was the only one I wanted to walk me down the aisle.

"Ready baby girl?" he asks as the doors open.


The music plays and our feet move slowly. Matt turns to see me, his eyes begin to water and so do mine. We reach the end and Cameron hands me to him.

"Hurt her and I will kick you ass" Matthew and I start to laugh and so does the rest of the crowed.

"wouldn't even think about it" Matthew says looking at me. I swear my heart stops every time he looks at me, his brown eyes hold so much love and care. Any girl would die for a guy to look at her like he does to me.

"you look absolutely stunning" he breaths out.

"We are gathered here today" the father begins. As the wedding goes on Matt hand holds mine, we glance at each other once in awhile. He is grinning the whole time, I could feel my cheeks hurt but I didn't care. This was finally happing. We were going to be together.

"Now say your vows" he stand and locks hands. He blushes as he clears his throat.

"I-I Matthew lee Espinosa made a promise long, long ago to love and care for you as long as I live. That promise was made in front of my grandma who is now in a better place, I've always kept my promise all theses years, even 4 years ago I made this promise in Paris and I never broke it and now we stand in front of god and in front of all the people we care and love about. I once again make the promise to love you forever and no let anything or anyone get in our way, no way in hel-"

"mhm" the father interpreted making my teary eyes self laugh

"Heck" Matt said making people laugh

"No way in heck, am I going to lose you again Riley. I love you" he finishes, my cheeks are already stained

"Matthew after all theses years I kept that promise as well, I remember crying for months after you left, I remember seeing you again how my first reaction was to run to you, you make my heart skip a beat, you make me nervous and feel things no one else could make me feel. I love you so much and I promise to keep the promise we made years ago, I love you so much Matt" he grins.

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