Chapter 5. reporters

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i know this is short, and i wasn't going even update because i was mad and sad yesterday but i owe it to you guys to update ! because you guys are so sweet and supportive of both books !

enjoy! comment what you think! and what you think might happen next !

chapter dedicated to : Magcon7_ and Gema Avalos (:

"Come on!" I tugged Cameron through the airport, reporters and girls were already lined up by a wall waiting for Jacob to arrive. the guards stop me and Cameron asking for ID. i rolled my eyes searching my bag, Cameron looked in his pockets trying to find his.

"RILEY!" i hear Jacob yell my name, i grin watching him jog towards me, he dropped his bags and i dropped my purse we did that dramatic running towards each other. i jumped on him wrapping my legs around him. i heard cameras flashing but i didn't care, i missed my little Jacob. he wrapped his arms tight around me and walked towards Cameron without letting me go. i looked behind him and the girls were screaming his name. he has gotten so big. i hopped down from him

"Nice to see you man" Cameron says shaking his hand.

"I'll meet you guys in the limo?" Jacob says walking towards his fans we nod understanding. the Guards leads us to our limo making sure no one harmed us.





i heard them yelling over and over again. i felt a hand on my shoulder and i knew it was cameron.

"I'll take the question" Cameron spoke up.

"Jacob is here for a private party i am hosting, Jacob and I are childhood friends including Riley, Nash is in Cali taking care of his Movie" Cameron spoke so calmly. i stayed hidden behind him not knowing what to do, the reporters seemed to want more then the truth. before i know it was on the ground on my bum. the reporter tried to make me look at him making me slip.

"BACK OFF NOW" cameron yelled. the guard held him back from the reporter as he kept taunting him. Cameron's face was red his fist almost white

"Cam!" i yelled as i tried getting up, he glanced at me his eyes soften and he relaxed

"Lets go come on" i said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, we walked faster this time into the limo. Jacob was already there with a worried face.

"Are you okay? what happened" he asked.

"Lets just get in the limo" Cameron said, they opened the door letting me in first. i sighed when the door closed. god. more stress.

"Sue him" Cameron said, i glanced at him. i saw he wasn't joking

"adds more stress i don't need" i calmly said. he shook his head and Jacob just stared at us.

"James!" Cameron yelled the window rolled down

"Can you stop by the shop so we can switch cars" he said, james nodded his head. i slump in my seat not knowing what to say, this was suppose to be a happy pick up.

"So what are we going to do first" jacob says linking his arm with mine. after we switched cars, Cameron was dropped of at his work and i gave James a few hours off so me and Jacob can walk around.

"Hmmm, to be honest i have a wedding to plan but i can take a break while you are here" i say with a smile.

"What kind of planing?" he asks as we turn the corner

"well i have to go see what kind of food i want and wine" i happily say. last time i went with Ky to the cake tasting it was a little crazy and i loved it. Nash says he will check if he likes everything before we make it official thats why i am picking things before hand.

"Wine tasting lets go!" he exclaims.i laugh as we turn the corner i see a bunch of reporters oh great. we stop walking and watch them closely they aren't here for us. a Limo arrived at the curb, the door opened as the reports started to take pictures but they weren't shouting almost as if they know they shouldn't. a man steps out, he has a black suit on, his tall frame stands out from all the short reporters, he runs his hand into his brown hair, he takes off his glasses reveling his brown eyes. my jaw drops as he shots a smile at the Camera. Matt. thats Matt.

"Jacob " i say almost in a whisper

"Thats him isn't it?" he asks. i can feel myself nod. he turns back offering a hand to someone getting out, a women. i feel my legs start to walk towards him without even thinking.

"Riley!" jacob shouts. my eyes widen as the reporters stare back at me. i look up and i meet his brown eyes, those brown eyes that i haven't seen in so long. his eyes are masked with Worry, fear, and shock.

"Riley " i feel Jacob's arm tug mine, the Reports start to walk towards us.


they start to shout, but i can't keep my eyes off the man that stood only feet away. i saw him quickly walk into the building.

"Riley snap out of it!' i feel Jacob's warm breath in my ear. but i can't seem to just walk away. he softly pinches me and i glare at him turning back into reality. reporters yelling and all over the place, i see guards walking out of the same building Matt was in. the pull back the reporters as Jacob pulls me out to the next street. he covers his face and buried my face into his chest walking fast and away from the flashing lights and screaming men. my mind is going crazy i feel so many emotions. Matt is here in New York. with a girl. he ignored me once again.

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