Chapter 15 You remember

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Next Chapter will be juicy hopefully haha 

I walked down the street covered up in a hoodie. I didn’t want anyone to notice I didn’t have time today. Thank god it was a bit chilly so I didn’t look like a weirdo. I finally made it to my office building and I sighed, I unlocked the door walking in. I turned on the light and saw the pail of folders of cases. I really didn’t want to start working before the wedding but oh well. I took of the hoodie. Since this is my office and I have no one yet I dressed pretty casual. The lobby was obviously empty. I walked towards the two black foggy doors. I opened and I gasped. The room was filled with Red and Purple roses. They were placed in a vase and around the whole office. I put my hand over my heart and I smiled. Nash made this happen how sweet of him. I looked at each set of roses until I found a piece of paper. I opened it and my heart was beating fast.

Dear Riley,

Hope you enjoyed this surprise, more to come babe



Matt did this he did all of this. I sat on the chair and realized everything in the room he did. I sighed not knowing what to do. My phone rang making me jump.


“Hey” I heard Nash’s voice. I smiled

“Hey” I say a little happier.

“I’m sorry about all this fighting,” he admits.

“me too” Nash and I rarely  fight, I feel safe and comfortable in our relationship I trust him and well, I guess he knows I wont do anything. I understand where he comes from though. I love how we never really stay mad for long.

“I love you “

“Love you too”

“I’ll be doing an interview tomorrow night” he states happier.

“I’ll be sure to watch”

“I can’t wait to see you, so we can talk about everything with more time.” I sigh knowing he wasn’t going to let this go easily.

“Ya” I say

“Cameron and Jacob aren’t out”

“Tell them that, Cameron looked pretty hurt” I heard him hum .

“I have to go, I love you”

“love you too Nash” we hang up and at least I feel a lot better about me and Nash. I look around the office. What am I going to do with all theses roses? I check my email and notice I have one from my assistant. I have to interview people for an internship and more assistants to help me in New York. They start at 10 am, its currently 9:30, how am I going to fix this office? I’ll call Cameron he is the only one that wont yell at me. I send a quick text and in matter of seconds he replies.

He did what???? I’m on my way  I laugh at his text. I wait a couple minutes and see his Limo outside. I need to tell him no to bring attention to this office I don’t wasn’t paps here. He walks in the lobby and I motion him in my office. His eyes widen,

“He went over board” he says shaking his head,

“Ya I know” I laugh.

“Can you take some to my house? I have to interview people in less then 10 minutes” I whine. He chuckles and nods his head. He tells James to help him carry the roses into the limo. I told him to leave at least one set. As each carry a set I see a young man about 18, I’d say walk in. he has black dressy pants, with a nice blue vest, his hair spiked up and he has glasses. His green eyes meet mine. I smile at him

“Hello” I say, he sticks out his hand

“Hello, I am Sam Wilkinson” he smiles shaking my hand

“I am here for an internship”

“Nice to meet you, I am Riley please have a seat.” I sit on my chair while he sits down. He looks around the room noticing Cameron and James take each set of roses out.

“Sorry about this, this was unexpected I had to call someone to help” I say shyly. He chuckles

“some Boyfriends can be overwhelming” my cheeks turn red.

“Okay lets get started” I say.


I sat at my office bored. I wanted to go see Riley but I knew she would have my head. I looked at the time, Sammy is with her right now. I met him through Val and mentioning he wanted to become a lawyer, this was perfect! I sent him out to Riley and he agreed. I could probably get him to keep an eye out for her. I met with him to make sure he was ready to take on the potion, I didn’t want Riley to have to worry. I called her assassinate to make sure Sammy had a chance. She told me he was over qualified. I was happy to hear that. I hope she liked the roses I had left for her, I had to make Jane spry paint the roses purple, she thinks its for my secret lover but she has no idea that they are for her best friend. I smiled at the thought of Riley and me, I know I will win her back. The problem is Nash. He is coming to see her and I want to take advantage of that. I want Cameron to throw a get together its going to take convincing but I know he will do it. I looked at the paper work that was left on my table. But the only thing I could concentrate on was Riley.


Sam was excellent to say the least! I told him he would start in a few weeks since my building wasn’t fully ready but he was happy. It was lunch time and I was starving. I reached for my phone so I could call Cameron again, I wanted to eat Lunch with him. I dialed but heard my door open. I looked outside and saw a delivery man standing there with a brown bag.

“Hello?” Cameron said

“hold on Cam,” the guy looked at me and smiled.

“Are you Riley?” he asked I nodded my head stepping out of my office.

“This was sent by Mr. Espinosa” he handed me a bag and just left.

“What did he send you now?” Cam asked. I totally forgot he was on the phone. I walked into my office setting the bag down. I opened it slowly afraid of something popping out. I gasped.

“WHAT?” Cam said worried.

“He bought me Chinese food” I said in Aw. I heard him mumble but I didn’t care, he stilled remembered everything liked.

“Riley snap out of it” he said angry. I sighed

“Sorry I love food”

“Don’t you mean Sorry you love matt”

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