chapter 30 Okay

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I owe you a double update (: 

hehe sorry 

I stepped out of the car that dropped me near the Eiffel Tower. I thanked him and waved good bye to the driver. Jacob’s words still repeating in my head, I stood there looking around. Matt texted me saying he’d meet me here. I sighed feeling nervous about tonight.

“You look beautiful” He whispers in my ear, I gasp turning around. He smirks looking me up and down. He is wearing a tux and looks so sexy. I smile up at him.

“Come one” he says taking my hand. I let him lead the way, people staring at us in Aw as we walk by. We are so close to the Tower

“its so beautiful” I say, the lights are alive and brighten up the city.

“We’re going up” he says, my jaw drops. What?

‘Up? like up there!” I say excited. He chuckles nodding his head. he did this all for me. We make our way up, but he blindfolded me.

“You aren’t going to push me off right?” I ask, I hear him laugh

“No” he says. I smile. We step out of the elevator.

“Okay” he says I feel his hand let go of mine. I slowly unloosen the rag and my jaw drops again. He stand in front of me with roses in his hands.  A table is step up with food, a man appears playing a violin. It is truly is out of a movie.

“Too cliché? He shyly asks, I chuckle walking towards him.

“Just perfect” I breath out. He smiles handing me the roses.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t like this” he says pulling out the chair for me. I laugh taking a seat. He sits across from me. He pops open the Champagne, I clap my hands.

“This is all so beautiful” I say looking around. I am above Paris.

“I want our last day to be perfect.” He says. I look down at my head.  I cant help but think back to the day he had left.

“Hey,” he says taking me out of my thoughts

“Lets not ruin this night okay?” he asks.

“Okay” I smile. We eat our meal talking and laughing about the trip. We laugh about our friends and family. We reminisce about our past. Everything is heavenly, his smile, his body, his laugh, the most attractive thing about him, his eyes. His brown  beautiful eyes they stare at me with so much love and lust. I cant help but blush when he complements me. Even after all theses years my heart throbs for him.

“Lets dance!” he says. Standing up. I laugh taking his hand. The soft music plays as we sway back and front. Chest against chest, I have a huge smile on my face. My face hurts from all the smiling.

“this week has been perfect.” He says into my hair.  All of the sudden Jacob’s words ring inside me.

“Did You sleep with Madison?” I ask pulling away. He seems taken back with my question.

“I thought I already answered that?” he asks confused, I shake my head no

“I mean while we were hear?” his eyes widen but masks it really quick

“What?” he asks

“Jacob came today, he told me you did it in room 210” I say,

“Riley I can explain” he says reaching for my hand.

“no !” I say steeping back. My heat feels likes its about to jump out of my chest. He slept with her. Of course that was the day he was gone for half an hour. How was I so stupid to believe nothing was going to ruin our trip.  I start to shake my head

“How dare you! YOU – I UGH” I shout walking off.

“Riley!” he says pulling my arm.

“no I don’t want to hear it!” I say trying to pull away.

“just listen please!” he begs.

“She found us in our room! I didn’t want her to spill out to the media! I slept with her to keep her mouth shut! She means nothing” he quickly says. I shake my head

“I rather her have told the media” I bit out.

“Riley!” he says spinning me around I gasp.

“I love you” he smashes his lips against mine. I try to fight back but he bites my lip making me gasp. His tongue takes me by surpises makng me moan. He deepens the kiss pinning me on the nearest wall.

“Jump” he says, at the point I am week in the knees. I do as he says wrapping my legs around his torso. His lips travel down to my neck making me moan again.

“We aren’t going to let anyone ruin our night” he breaths out before connecting his lips again.


I took in a sharp breath. I looked in the mirror  trying to find something wrong with me. But nothing was wrong everything was perfect. The make up, the veil that covered my face, the dress that fit perfectly around my body, my perfectly done hair. I soft knock came from the other side.

“Are you ready Riley?” Ky softly says. I stand up looking at my reflection once more.

“Ready as I’ll ever be” I say turning around. The wedding was about to begin.

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