Chapter 8

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I promise the next chapter will be better and more exciting ! ;) 

enjoy sorry for any mistakes! 

i sat at the cafe waiting for matt. i was so nervous, i dont know why i agreed to meet him for lunch. after Jacob found us in his changing room, i told him all we did was talk. Matt told me to meet him here so we could finish our closure. i just nodded my head in responds because i was still shocked he had kissed me. the worst part of it, was that i liked it. i like the way his lips felt on mine and i am just the worst person in the world. i groaned putting my hands on my head. i puffed out my cheeks just thinking of what would happened is Nash finds out. i want to tell him but i am scared of hurting him. Maybe when he comes in a few months i'll tell him? i have time to think everything through. i sigh listening to the conversation around me, my phone rings. i glance at the screen its Jacob. 


"Hey its Ky," 

'Whats up?" i say making sure Matt doesn't randomly show up. i don't want Ky or Jacob to know about me having Lunch with Matt, i know what they will say and i just need to finish properly talk to him. 

" i know where you are young lady" she scowls. 

"What?" i asked shocked

"Matt called me, he asked if Roses were still what you liked" she says in a low voice. i hear her move until i hear a door open.

"What are you doing Riley, you are just hurting Matt and Yourself." 

"I need this, I need to talk to him get some sort of closure." i say.

"Just be carful. and tell him you are getting married!" i bite my lip, thats going to be hard to do but i know she is right.

"I will" i see Matt walk across the street with roses in his hands. my heart races and i am suddenly out of breath.

"I'll tell you how it goes!" i say quickly hanging up. he spots me and i give a small wave. his face lights up and he grins walking between the people. Many of them smile at the gesture of him brining me flowers. i smile slightly as he reaches our table. 

"Hey" he says kissing my cheek. 

"hi" i whisper, he hands me the roses and i smile. this is not how its suppose to be. i  glance away from the roses and catch him frowning.

'What?" i ask setting the roses down on the chair next to me. 

"You don't look very happy with the roses, did Ky lie to me?" he ask raising his voice, i shake my head no.

'Matt, I am dating Nash i just feel really awkward and like a bad person accepting these" i say truthfully. he sighs leading back in his chair. the waitress comes. she smiles big then her eyes widen.

"OMG" she almost screams. i cover my face

"you are dating NASH GRIER" she exclaims. i few people stare and i can feel my face burn up.

"Um, we have to go" i hear my say. 

"oh no, i am so sorry!" she says i gave her a small smile. 

"Its okay" i say getting up. i gather my stuff picking up the roses, she follows me with her eyes. 

"Are-?" she is about to ask questions when Matt pulls my in front of him

"Walk quickly she isn't a waitress" he says in my ear. i have confusion on my face until i hear the flashes and see bright lights hits us. great! Matt takes my hand quickly and i cover my face with the roses. i have no idea where he is taking me but i just keep up with him.  i hear more flashes but no one is screaming question. i peek and i see we are still power walking around the streets.

"Where are we going?" i ask. we make another turn and i hear him opening a door.

"Scott please block the door" he says, i uncover my face. we are in his apartment building. 

"we can talk here" he says leading me to an elevator. 

"Matt." i sternly say, he looks down at me.

"They followed us here, i dont want rumors about me and you spread around!" i say. he shakes his head

"Don't worry about it" he simply says, the doors open i follow him down the hall. we stop at his door, he unlocks it stepping inside. he turns on the light and i am stunned by how neat and beautiful his place looks. very modern but looks so comfy! i sit down on the couch while he whistles. suddenly i hear paws hit the floor and i am shocked to see a dog. the dog leaps on him licking him. Matt laughs and i smile at the sight. things would be so different now, the dog sees me and my eyes widen please dont bite or bark! he leaps on me sniffing me and licking me. 

"he likes you" Matt says sitting beside me, the dog is the only thing keeping us apart. i pet the dog making me lay on my lap.

"Matt please lets just talk" 

"I'm listening" he says slowly petting the dog. his brown eyes stare right at me making me melt. 

"I want you in my life, but i want you out of it too." i start. 

" i want you in it because i've missed you so much, but i feel like such an awful person when i am around you knowing i have Nash. Nash is such an amazing person to me and i do love and care for him i don't want to hurt him, either of you, i just want you to know i care about you but seeing you just bring back too many memories i just think we should stay away" i suck in my breath after the words left my mouth. it hurts a lot. letting him go after just seeing each other again.


i just sit there. i don't wanna say the wrong thing but my anger is rising a bit. i refuse to give up on her. i just found her again and i don't want to lose her. but i know if i want her in my life i can't push it. i know she still loves me, thats why she needs to stay away. i sigh knowing i have to take it slow but i will have her again. 

"Riley, i understand" i bit out not even believing what i just said. she nods standing up. she gathers her stuff and i just watch her. her arms reach for the roses and i smile knowing she is taking them with her. i keep my eyes on her, her eyes sad and i guess i don't look any happier. she gives me a small smile.

"Bye Matt" she says slowly and in a whisper. i don't look at her, this is why i didnt want to say bye to her back then. back then would have been worse though thats for sure. i hear my front door open and my dog whines. 

"Me too buddy" i say sighing. i have to wow her again,

there is a knock on the door and i get up, its my body guard Scott. 

"Sir they popz want to thank you for the information" he says, i just nod

"did they follow her?" i ask. he shakes his head no. i nod thanking him and closing the door. yes i want Nash to know she was with me so i gave out the Information.  i need to break Nash and her up i mean a relationship can come and go but what me and Riley have only comes once. i look over to were she sat and i notice a gold IPhone, i pick it up and my guess is right its Riley. she has a message from Ky

Dress fitting in two days don't forget. 

i guess i am seeing her in two days. 

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