Chapter 14 Trust me

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Matt POV

I held her arm lightly as I dragged her to back of the restaurant. People knew me here so they didn’t ask any question. I stopped, facing Val, her cheeks red and her jaw still wide open in shocked.

“THAT LITTLE SLUT SHE IS WITH NASH AND YOU?” she yelled. My fist clenched to my side. My anger was rising.

“Don’t.You.Ever.Call her that again!” I say my voice booming. She stepped back. She was shocked and scared. I had never yelled at her before. I sighed leaning on the wall.

“Val.” I said

“You need to hear what I have to say.” She thought about it and nodded her head. I gulped.

“I went to high school with Riley, Nash, Cameron and Jacob,” she leaned on the wall watching me as I talked about my past. Its something I rarely do now.

“Riley was a bet to me, I wasn’t such a great person at the time. Cameron and I always bet on girls on how easy they were. Cameron bet me to sleep and make Riley fall in love with me. I met her at an ice cream shop,” I smile remembering her walking in with Camilla.

“As I contuined to hang out with her, pursue her, I was the first person to fall in love with her,” I looked down

“But I was in a dark place, I felt like she deserved better that she needed someone else not me. So I never stopped the bet. She saw  my weak points and I used them to get in her pants.” She gaps.

“I took her on an official date, you know where I took her?” I asked her. She shook her hear.

“Behind the bushes on that amazing landscape, but at night when the stars were shining bright” her eyes filled with sadness and smypthy for me.

“that’s where nash purposed?” she asked. I nod my head. I felt anger all over my body when she was telling the story.

“That’s the first time she ever said I love you, to me! I messed it up later on but she came back for me she never gave up and I didn’t want to either. I made an effort.”


‘but our dad gave me a choice, to be successful for her, or be a bum and still be LA while she goes off to college and becomes a lawyer”

“I wanted to make her proud.  I gave her one last amazing night. But then I left while she was sleeping. I only left her a note, I couldn’t bare to see her face when I left” I punched the wall making her jump. I felt the pain in my hand it wasn’t busted.

“Why didn’t you look for her?”

“ I was scared. Plus I was looking for her at Cameron’s graduation I even ran into Nash telling him to call me if he saw her, but he never did”  I bit out. She shakes her head.

“Matt, you cant do this not to her. You are confusing her before her own wedding ! I can tell you guys had something from the first time you looked at each other. I never saw anything like it before, but this is wrong. Love is putting them before you!” she says. I shake my head no. I know she is right but I need Riley in my life, I want her in my life.

“Guys we have to go!” Cameron opens the door out of breath. I look behind me and see a lot of Pap. Great ugh!  We walk to the table and all I see is bright lights coming in.

“Listen!” I say getting their attention. Riley’s face is bright red , I smile at her letting her know its okay.

“Taylor grab Val, you and Jacob take care of her, Cameron and I will look out for Riley.” I say, they all nod getting up I take my coat covering Riley up, Cameron stands by her while I lead the way with her and Cameron close behind. I hear questions being asked and I hear a squeal. I see Riley on the floor and I see Val being pushed around. My anger rise and I see Cameron helping her up but again being pushed around by many reporters. 

“BACK THE FUCK UP” I screamed. All cameras were on me. I picked up Riley bridal style and ordered Taylor to do the same with Val. Cameron pushed the people out of the way, Jacob is way too nice knowing he doesn’t want to upset anyone and I understand but damn I want to punch a few people. We jogged to Limo I had come in. I felt Riley shake and she held on tight, we climb in quickly closing the door. I saw people following us and I told my driver to floor it. We all leaned forward but then relaxed. Riley still had my coat on.

“Is everyone okay?” I asked but I only looked at Riley, her elbow had a cut. I had to talk to some people to get someone fired! This is not right.

“I think we are all good, but we know who you care about” me and Riley’s head shot up to Jacob’s comment. I glared at him and he shrugged. I felt Riley slowly lean into making it casual. Val stares at me and I know what she said was right but I can’t let her go, Riley’s phone starts to ring.



“YOU ARE OUT WITH MATTHEW AGAIN WHAT THE HELL RILEY I WANT YOU FAR AWAY FROM HIM, STOP TALKING TO HIM, STOP SEEING HIM JUST STOP” Nash voice boomed, everyone in the car pretended not to hear and I sighed , I felt Matt tense up thinking I was actually going to do what Nash said. I know I should and I proably will but Nash has no right to call and yell.

“Nash.” I  calmly said.

“I wasn’t just out with Matt, I was out with the guys, its not my fault that everyone knows each other you have to trust me!” I say. I can feel the anger rise in me.

“THEN I WANT TAYLOR AND CAMERON OUT” he yells I gasp and I watch Cameron is affected by this, but Jacob is calm.

“that’s not going to change me and Cameron’s friendship he will always be in my life. What the hell is it with you and not trusting me! I never gave you a reason not !!!”  I yell.

“You and Matt have history I don’t want him around you!”

“Matt was just there in the same place I was. Nothing happened and nothing will happen” I softly say. I can Matt’s jaw clench and he looks away. 

“You cant chose my friend you know. I know what I have to do you cant boss me around.”

“When you trust me and actually want to work things out and talk call me!”  I hang up and toss the phone to Cameron. He looks at me sadly and I shake my head not wanting to talk about.

“He should trust you” Val comments.

“Drop it” Matt says.

“No its okay, I know he should we have been fighting since last month, I don’t know whats gonna happen when he comes next week” I huff out.

“he’s coming” Matt asks? I nod not looking down.

“He is coming 2 months before the wedding” Jacob says, I glare at him he knows what he is doing. I wonder how Nash knows. Maybe the news does fly. I wont allow him to chose my friends. I know I have to stay away from Matt, but Cameron is a different story. When Nash comes we are going to work this all.

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