Chapter 22 Love is love

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I love every single of you ! your comments make my day and i get all happy and warm inside! haha i have bad PCD :( lol hope you enjoyed (: thank you for voting<3 also  i know some of you read my other story i decided to finish this one then i will start writing more for the other one. 

Matt POV

I sat on a stool at the bar. I hadn’t talked to Riley in a week and It was killing me. I told Cameron to take her out if the country but he has been busy with his business. I chugged the beer in front of me and asked for another. I wasn’t really drowning my sorrows I just didn’t wanna feel anything for a little bit.

“Aren’t you Mr. Espinosa? the man that owns half of New York?” the bartender asked.  I glanced up taking in her appearance. Her brown hair was down in curls it was only to her shoulders, her eyes were bright blue and she had pale skin. She was pretty but the only face I could see was Riley’s.

“That’s me” I mumbled chugging my beer again.

“Slow down” she laughed.

“Having love trouble” she asked as she prepared other drinks.

“Why do you say that?”

“Everyone drinking alone at 2 am is either having love issues or trying to find a lady” she says handing me another beer.

“And you sir are already a lady magnet” she says smiling. I chuckle shaking my head.

“You really like this girl huh?” I look around there was only 3 other guys and they seemed way too drunk to function.

“Sadly” I say not meeting her gaze.

“Why sadly? You guys make it harder” she says laughing.

“She loves someone else” I say, it hurts to admit.

“Tell her you love her”

“I did, she loves me too but she doesn’t want to hurt the other person because she does love us both” I hate saying it out loud. I want to pretend this isn’t happening.

“So she has to decide? Well shit you have to think about her feelings too,” I meet her gaze her blue eyes are so soft as she stares at me.

“But your feelings are more important, you have to decide what’s best for you, wait for someone who wont chose you? Or try and move on and be happy. Love Is love maybe your second love wont compare to your first, which it never does, but your happy and in a good place.” She says.

“How am I suppose to find someone new if I cant get her out if my head” I sigh out.

“Who says you have to go out and find someone? She could be right in front of you?”


Riley Pov

I laid in bed alone. Nash had left a few hours ago. It was the first time me and him did anything. I was getting so stressed out. All this I didn’t need it, I was creating problems of my own. I need to grow up and make a choice. I need let go and move on, this was a hard choice but I knew what I had to do. I heard a soft knock on the door and I slowly got up. I sighed opening the door I grinned jumping on Cameron. I hadn’t felt happy for a little bit and he brought my mood up. He chuckled hugging me back tight spinning me around.

“I hate you!” I say when he pulls out of the hug.

“Why?” he smiles

“You have been MIA, I needed you” I say hitting his chest with my index finger.

“I’m sorry business. I heard everything that happened though” he says. Of course he would.

“and I am here to rescue you” says,  I give him a confused looked he pulls out a suitcase behind him.

“We are going on a trip” he grins.

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