Chapter 7 What's going on here?

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Sorry this is short! but i didn't want to drag it out too much! 

and i'm not sure how i feel about this chapter but i hope you enjoy sorry for any mistakes ! 

i stood behind her, watching as she danced and sang along with Jacob's song. her long  dark brown hair swayed back and forth, her hips moving to the beat of the song, i swear i could just take her here. i looked down at myself, its been years since i dressed casual. i wore a blue v neck with some jeans. i honestly never felt out of place, its ironic because thats all i wore years ago. i cleared my throat.

its now or never i had to talk to her while everyone was distracted. i didn't really have a plan or even knew what i would say. i slowly walked behind her making sure i wasn't too close. i gulped i never felt like such a chicken!! i tapped her shoulders making her stop her movements. she slowly turns around making eye contact with me. it felt like time froze as we just stood there in front of each other after so many years. no one else mattered right now or at least to me. her hazel eyes bored into my boring brown ones, her eyes seemed to hold sadness and anger inside. i tried to seem confident so i smirked. 

"Riley" i said i know i said it loud enough so she could hear me. i small smile tugged her lips.

"Matthew" she says.

"It's been awhile" she comments almost teasingly. i chuckle nodding my head agreeing with her. 

"Can-um-we talk?" i ask trying to keep my cool. she turns back making sure no one was watching us. she agrees and leads the way to a quieter place, i follow her into a small room and i noticed had a star with WHITESIDES on it. she closes the door behind her, the room is cosy its only for a few hours. a couch and a dresser and a few clothes for jacob to change during breaks. i puffed out her cheeks and sat in one of the chairs, i sat on the couch trying not make her feel awkward. i tapped my knee watching her closely. she wouldn't look at me she would look anywhere else, her hand was shaking so i knew she was just as nervous as i was. she played with end of her hairs i guess i had to speak first. 

"I don't want to say anything stupid" i say cringing at what i said. she smiled shaking her head.

"At this point i don't think it matters" she sadly said. she bit her bottom lip.

"To be honest i didn't think this through" i admit. 

"I didn't either, i thought once we would finally see each other it would be different" she looks down at her lap. i know what she meant. i thought if i saw her i would run up to her and kiss her. hold her tight against me and never let her go again. 

"How did you imagine it" i asked her. her cheeks flushed knowing she had the same idea as me. 

"Different" she just says.

"How's life" i awkwardly ask. she smiles at how awkward this whole thing is. 

"Matt, i wanted to talk to you too, i honestly never thought i'd see you again, i thought you forgot about me" she plays with her fingers now and still looks down.

"No a year, month, day, minute second goes by that i didn't think about you Riley" i stood up kneeling in front of her. her eyes show sadness and i just want to comfort her. 

"Matt please don't say that" she pleas. i take her hands in mine, she lets me and i stare into her eyes.

"RIley, i never stopped loving you." i confess. its true, i know about Nash but i want her to know. they are just going out she can simply dump him. 

"Don't Matt" she pulls away and stands up. she paces around the small room.

"For years i waited for you to say that to me. " she exhales. 

"but now its too late for this. if you  didn"t know i am with Nash" she blurts out. 

"Its not too late Riley, i am here now, i can make for the years." i almost beg. 

"I love you so much Riley i never stopped. just leave Nash" i say. she shakes her head no and holds her hands up to her face.

"It's not that easy Matt" i hold her shoulders. 

"I know you still love me Riley, lets us have another chance." i beg. she looks at me, the look of regret and sadness. does she regret me? 

"I love Nash too though" she has tears rolling down her cheek now. my mouth opens a little by the words that leave her mouth. my heart hurts and feel likes its been crushed. 

"Riley, i'm not giving up that easy. i can make you realize you love me and only me" i say, my tone has changed. i stand up straight lifting her head up with my index finger. i lick my lips, her eyes travel to my lips. 

"I can't Matt" she whispers. before she walks away i pull her back and smash my lips on hers. i can feel she is shocked as i move my lips against hers. i bite her bottom lip and she gasps, i let my tongue invade her mouth and she finally responds. but only for a minute she pulls away shocked. the door opens reveling Jacob. his smile turns into a frown

"What's going on?" 

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