Deep Into The Light

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The hospital room was so bright that my eyes keep closing themselves. Just minutes before everything was so hectic in here and now everything is so calm. My beautiful baby girl is here with us now, being wiped clean and watched by her dad. Her screams concern me so I try to lift up my head -" No Phoebe, lay down, I'll watch her." Liam reassures me and then lightly kisses my forehead. And before I know I drift away into a deep sleep.

"She's beautiful Liam." Grant's voice appears as I slowly wake up from my deep sleep. I barely open my eyes and I see Ava sitting on my bed and Grant holding Liam and my beautiful baby girl. "Have you picked a name?" He holds her gently and with so much love. What is he to her? An uncle? A caretaker? I have no idea. I wanna ask them where Damon is but I am far too exhausted for words. Damon was such a simple delivery, painful, but not too complicated. 

"Luna, we made her at midnight so we thought it would be pretty. We'll call her Lu for short. Luna James Calloway..." Grant smiles happily. "I had to name her after a member of the family of course, so why not my brother?" My eyes are closed but I feel him smiling. 

"God, just make out with each other already!" Ava's voice peeps.

"Hey! Don't be jealous of our love baby. You'll still be my side piece." Grant winks at her and Ava lovingly flip him off in return.

"You all are going to be a bad influence on her," I whisper. Liam comes over to me to set me up. "Damon?" I ask.  Grant hands over Luna back to Liam and walks over to me placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"He's with your brother and Gabe; they went to pick up your parents from their jet landing."

"Oh good. Now give me my child." Liam brings over my daughter and places her in my arms. She's beautiful. She's got pretty brown eyes like me and dark eyebrows. Her face is so round and chubby and she has her dad's full lips. "Hi, Luna!" I say and place a kiss on her head. She giggles and I almost cry from how adorable she is. Teddy enters with Damon and our parents. Everyone looks sleep deprived but ecstatic. "Hey sweetie, come meet your baby sister," Damon says up to Liam and he picks him up and places him on the bed with me. I keep hold of Luna and Damon leans over her.

"Hi, baby sister." He gives a little kiss and her giggles erupt once more. "I'll play games with you and teach piano." Grant smiles and squeezes Damon.

"Luna James, I love it." My mom squeaks.

"I think we all do," Grant replies.

We all sit together surrounding Lu with so much caring, compassion, and so much Love.  That is how we will always surround her. 

Deep Into The Light (Book 3 Of Deep Into The Water)Where stories live. Discover now