Don't Be Afraid Of the Dark

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A silly thing called anxiousness is what I seem to suffer today.  I have to go back to work today, but I can't seem to put down Luna. As well as Grant and Ava are; they are the ones watching her and Damon today. Not that I hate the idea of them watching the kids; its just Damon and Ava have a history of being a little irresponsible when it comes to the kids. For Damon's fifth birthday, Ava took him shopping and got him a Versace jacket! What kind of five years old should have a Versace jacket?! 

I try to have all the faith in them, but in all honesty, they concern me. Is it that hard to understand why a mother would be concerned for her kids? I can't tell if I am being crazy due to Cambridge having no trace anywhere or if its because Ill miss my kids.  Perhaps it is just too soon for me to go back to work...

"Stop that." I turn around and Liam is in the doorway of our bedroom looking at me with concern. "You're thinking about staying longer with the baby, but you've kept pushing it off. You're the head detective baby," He glides his beautiful body over to me and a smile escapes my lips, "Come here to daddy peanut." Ah yes, peanut. The God-awful nickname my future husband has given our little baby girl. He said the first time we saw her in the sonogram that she looked like a little peanut inside of me. She looked so small. Unfortunately, he has decided that is what he will call her. "Go into the living room and get that purse ready because even if I have to carry you out; we are going to work missy." 

Ugh! He just missy'd me! How rude! 

Of course, he is right! I am an important detective and I need to find this man because he is a psychopath. If he attacked me once, he will probably try again and with the baby, it is too dangerous. Damon barely got out of that situation because he knew to hide but a baby doesn't know to do that. She would just scream. 

I really need to get all the crazy thoughts out of my head; at least not think too much until I get into the office. "You look great." Grant breathes the words behind me. I probably assume that me stopping in front of my mirror to think about my post birthing baby, but he is wrong. 

"I'm aware Grant." 

"Are you still mad at me for Devina? It is not like I fucking asked the psycho to come here." 

"Where is the evil bitch anyway?" Grant bites his nails and sits on the ottoman by the mirror in my hallway. 

"Honestly, I have no clue. After I talked to your dad, I went with Taylor to tell her to leave town but she wasn't at the Calloway's estate which is where she would be. Maybe she left without anyone really asking ?" 

I do hope that he is right. Seducing a young boy after being adopted is just too wrong. How she said she could help him get a job with all her connections and how Liam would be able to be his friend forever if she brought Grant into the company is just wicked. She is wicked. Everything about her screams Child Abuser. I just hate her and now she is about to be my sister in law. "Why did you sleep with her?" 

He seems almost struck by my question. I have never asked why. When he told me, I simply listened- never passed judgment just ears. It feels like a whole lifetime ago that we were so intimate about everything but it was really only six years ago. I should've asked six years ago but I am asking now. I am asking now because every part of me needs to know. "Why did you sleep with me on our first date?" 

"Excuse me?" What the fuck? 

"Why does anyone sleep with anyone? It was a mere attempt to be validated in some way. For some person to make me feel loved. And you? Well, you were young and fucked the first guy that showed you real affection and interest because that is what people do Phee. We seek the love we think we want but not what we actually need. She wasn't what I needed and I wasn't what you needed. There is no why. " Now I remember why I fell for him. Those words. Bastard is amazing with words. 


Grant 6 years ago ...

Ah, Phoebe. You think you are being coy and shy but in reality, you are welcoming my thoughts of fucking you on your dining room table. Your dad and mom have taken your siblings out for the day and the night at the four seasons to celebrate Jared's so-called graduating from the fourth grade. And you know that Taylor is out with Gail. Everyone has left except you and me. It is twenty-four degrees outside and yet your long, pale, rose-tinted legs are out. Out to provoke these mischievous thoughts of mine. Your homework is out on the table. Music theory, something you told your dad that I could help you with which is true but the reason I am here is not. You have been craving me lately. Your little virgin body has been submitted to my work and you just cannot get enough. As I write on your music sheets, you begin to suck on your pen. A lot. Enough to get my attention. "What are you doing Phoebe?" 

You smile a little shy smile, "Doing my homework silly." Ah yes, those little names you give me. Silly, baby, master. If only your extremely uptight father knew what his precious little girl like to do while no one was looking. 

I quickly get up from my chair and set your music sheets off to the side of the table as well as everything else. "Get up. Now." You obey so quickly now. Just so ready. I lift you on top of the table and hike up that skirt of yours. 

And just like that, I forget. I forget about all the worries from the day and just sink myself into you. All of you is mine to have. 

2 hours later.

I like your bed Phoebe. It's huge. We could lay in it all day. "Why don't you look at me while we have sex?" Hmmmm, a personal question. An extremely personal question. To be fair, your virginity is long since gone because of me so I guess you are owed something personal I return. 

"I had an ex. Devina, She never wanted me to look directly at her during so I guess after that I just didn't make direct eye contact. Just kind of got use to it. " 

"Devina? Like Liam's sister?"

"The very same." I hear a small gasp escape your lips and I know you must've done the math somehow already. That is all the past, my love. "Don't worry."

"How am I suppose to not worry when you just told me you banged someone five years older than you?"

"You did your research?" I can't help but laugh because you are smart. You needed to research me. "Please Phoebe, let it go. I am certainly very involved in you right now. You smile but I can tell your concern is really there. Please, Phoebe, it was such a long time ago, no need to become worked up. 

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