The Last Shot

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Liam and I sit with Erika and Burke at the office sifting through the information Cambridge sent Burke. Luckily for us, Cambridge is methodic, he's calculated, and a literal planner. He has to time everything perfectly in order for it to work so we know exactly when Lincoln got involved.

"Lincoln has only been in it with Cambridge for a couple of months, in the first journal entry with Lincoln in it Cambridge writes- "he's excellent for what I need. I can ruin Phoebe, Christian, and Grant all at the same time. Lincoln says he can get dirt on Grey from his ex-wife Elena who will be a very useful asset.'- This guy is so intelligent it is scary..." Burke whines.

"Does it say anywhere about why Lincoln would have stabbed him though? We need that in order for all of this to make sense?" I ask everyone.

Liam stands abruptly and begins to pace, he does this all the time when he has something, it helps him process I think, "YES! Right here!" He shoves me the journal and I begin to read it out loud for everyone.

"Lincoln is too out of control. I had a plan! A very well thought out plan! Kill Phoebe, get Grey to send me the money for her while he thinks she's alive and then run away and start a new life where everyone thinks Grey got his daughter killed. That little bitch would be dead and I would have had everything. Doctor Ryan is already taken care of, my idiot daughter will probably die soon from those injuries, everything was in place and would have moved perfectly but Lincoln just had to poison Elena! He ruined everything! We could have gotten her to help because with enough persuasion anyone can turn but no, he had to seek revenge on some bullshit that happened 25 years ago. I will get rid of him tonight, I have to, and then I will ransom Phoebe and take what I can..."

They look at me to continue but there isn't anything left in the journal to say, "There is nothing written after that so Lincoln probably attacked him after he wrote this."

"Ryan Homestead." Burke mumbles as he throws his head on the table, "The doctor is dead. Cambridge will probably die, Elena Lincoln is dead, I have to bring in Lincoln..."

Liam offers a comforting gesture by placing his hand on his shoulder and squeezing it, odd considering we both hate him but alright. Burke is right though, we need to bring in someone. "John!" Liam yells for my assistant. We still haven't replaced his after that whole spy thing with Stephanie. John runs in like a scared puppy and waits for instructions silently, "I want you to look into shipyards that have been abandoned, the way he loves boats and he is greedy, maybe we will get lucky with something." John nods along and quickly runs out of the office, he's nervous, can't blame him really. "Burke, increase security for everyone. If Lincoln is as much as a fuse Cambridge thinks he is, then he will get violent soon." Burke whips out his phone and calls security right away. "Phoebe, talk to your dad, maybe he has something that would tell us where Lincoln would be hiding."

"What about you?" I ask him.

He gives me this sweetest look. His eyes are wide and filled with regret, "I am going to go meet the realtor and see the house she thinks is perfect for us."

I feel a huge sense of relief. He's okay. We're okay. This whole Grant thing is confusing for me too, but I know that I want Liam. I have known that for such a long time. "Send pictures and take security."

Burke runs back in, "FBI downstairs ready to take you, Liam."

"Thanks, Burke, bye baby." He kisses me goodbye and grabs his gun shoving it in his holster before walking out.

"Not going back to the musician huh?" Burke interrupts.

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"That whole love triangle thing is still in the gossip blogs Phoebe. Quite fascinating."

"Shut it, Burke!"

"You got it, Yoko Ono."


"Mr. Calloway!" I hear our realtor yell for me before I even get out of the car. I know she listens to Phoebe about everything so this house is probably all her.

"Hi, Azia, sorry Phoebe can't come she's busy at work."

Her face falls. Azia is adorable, she has a big girl crush on Phoebe. "That's too bad, this place is exactly what she asked for, but you're here so you can tell her once you see it that I am a fucking genius!"

I follow her down the brick path and see it. It isn't the city and modern house I thought Phoebe would have picked out. It's an elegant farmhouse with a Pickett fence and plenty of trees. I remember when we first started working together, I told her that when I had a family I wanted a place just like this! I wanted it to feel homey and blissful, with a little renovation it would be perfection.

"Azia this is perfect

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"Azia this is perfect..."

"I know! I had to really look for it. Phoebe said find me a barn style with plenty of lands for Liam so I worked my magic and here she is!"

"I love it! Can we look inside?"

She nods yes and unlocks the front door with a pin code. Inside it is spectacular. Dark floors with white walls. A big kitchen for Phoebe and plenty of room for Damon and Lulu, and perhaps another kid if I can Phoebe to want more. The walls are a nasty beige color but I have no doubt Phoebe will go for gray walls and white trim like usual. Five bedrooms and plenty of space to add an office if we want to.

Azia leads me to the backyard and there is nothing but grass. I can build a playhouse for the kids and a patio for us to eat out here and enjoy the weather when it isn't rainy out. I love that Phoebe did this for us!

"Well Azia, I think I am sold!"

Her eyes grow wide and scared. She then lifts her hand up and points to something behind me, "Me too, this place is quite lovely!" Lincoln! He tilts his gun a little to the side and I hear Azia gasp with horror. "Too bad you won't get to see yourself living here!"

And before I can think of something to do, the gun goes off and I feel a sharp pain in my chest, and then I am out.


Holy F***! Stay tuned because we are getting to the end of this series you guys.

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xoxo Michaela

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