Water Under the Cambridge

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Phoebe arrives at the house in record time with so much steam coming out of her ears that even I am terrified. Agent Burke insisted that we go straight to Eleana's house to check out all her files. She is involved I know that, but I wanted to wait for her to wake up to speak with the woman herself. 

Phoebe's screaming match with Burke goes on and on but instead of getting involved with the drama, I let my future wife do her own thing, and walk upstairs to Elena's bedroom to see what all she has in here. The room is fairly simple with extravagant pieces like a velvet headboard the size of the sixty-inch flat screen. The thing that I don't see in here that you always see inside a woman's bedroom is a mirror. There are no mirrors in here. There is a small one in the bathroom but there is no full-length mirror. The screaming match downstairs is nearly impossible to hear up here. 

I lay in Elena's bed and it fills so solid. She hasn't slept in here for ages. Now that I am laying down I see all the dust gathering on her nightstand surrounding the remotes and lamp. Her bed has no indention of a body sleeping here for quite some time but why? Where does she sleep? Does she spend any time here? 

"Hey", Phoebe says walking in seeming a little calmer from when she entered," Captain Dumbass and his associates are running back to the hospital." 

 "Scare him off, did you?" 

"I wouldn't say that exactly." Her hands traveling along Elena's desk gathering the same thing I did earlier in my head, "She hasn't used this room in a while." 

"I figured that much, but if she hasn't been sleeping here then where?" 

"Boyfriend maybe?" 


Phoebe's hands move along to the legs and under the top of her long desk, looking for something that Elena probably didn't want someone to find. With a house this big, she wouldn't work at her desk in her bedroom, she has a study downstairs. So why keep a long older desk in her room? She wanted to hide something inside. With these older pieces, there are nooks and crannies where you can keep things. Phoebe finally hits something as a click sound triggers an opening into a secret drawer. "I knew it!" She screams. 

Moving off the bed toward her, I see what she is referring to- a key. She is holding a key attached to the leather key chain.  The key itself is labeled RR. "What is it for?" 

She shrugs her shoulders up and down, "Maybe to a room in the house? A safe? I have no idea." 

"let's find out." Taking the key from her grip, we move from her bedroom to the hall. We put the key into everything. We try every door as well as the safe's in the two bedrooms, and finally, we come to a door that has two locks and the key works for both. 

Opening the door, we switch on the lights and are caught completely off guard. Holy shit! The room is covered in red. Red walls, a red leather bed, red rope- it looks like a serial killers dream playhouse. Cuffs are on the walls all are in the same size. A cage life wall still has some cuffs attached to it; what the hell is this room? "Phoebe, what is this?" 

"It's a red room." She breathes. 

"What on earth is that?" 

"It's a room for sex. BDSM more so." 

"Okay, I am officially very confused." 

"It is a sex life with a dominant and a submissive. There's a contract the whole nine yards of strange." 

And just like that, I remember Christian's blackmailing incident. "That is right, just like Christain. She taught him everything right?" 

"Yup, she was a disgusting woman, my mother ruined her. This must have been what Cambridge was referring to when he said that Lincoln had photo's." 


"I went through some emails and found some exchanges between them." 

"We need to go back to the hospital and wait for her to wake up!" 


Phoebe's outburst takes me back a little and I find myself bewildered that she wouldn't want to go straight to the source. "Why?" 

"We have a meeting with our wedding! And we haven't seen Lulu or Damon for practically two whole days!" 

"Oh right! Okay, I will tell Burke to let us know when she wakes up." 

Texting Burke, I let him know he better tell me when she wakes up or I will make sure to let Seattle PD kick them out. Burke promises to tell me when she wakes up and Phoebe and I lock the room back up and hang onto the key, making sure to come back to it later. Elena must have had pictures in here with whoever those custom handcuffs were for. 

We whip down the freeway to get back to the house in time for our wedding catch up meeting, hoping and praying that I find Cambridge soon. I would hate to still be dealing with this when I am on my honeymoon. 

For my Phoebe, my kids, and Grant- I will get this bastard! 

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