The Road Back Home

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Devina and Liam are the children of Calloway Industries owners,  Stephen and Cali Calloway. Their parents own a series of corporations that produce computers, hard drives, Cameras, and microphones. They make a ton of money and give absolutely nothing back to anyone- very different than the Greys. Liam was technically supposed to be the owner of the companies but Devina pulled the rug out from under him when we first met. She told him it was because she could tell he wanted to explore the music industry with me but in reality, did it for her own selfish reasons. Whatever is or is not going on with her and Cambridge, I have a feeling it comes down to money. It always comes down to money.

In the back seat of the car, Phoebe sleeps on Teddy's shoulder. She has been the most furious over this visit. I know Liam hates it when he sees Devina because it makes him think of us together but Liam hates seeing his parents even more. Last time we saw them, they were waiting for him backstage at our first concert calling him a disgrace and cutting him off. No more trust fund and Lambo. He took it like a pro and simply asked the security guards to escort them out.
Mr. and Mrs. Calloway have another thing coming to them because now my man is a detective and he's pissed.

While Phoebe sleeps soundly, I remember telling her about Devina and me at the museum when we were together the first time.

5 and a half years ago...

Phoebe's little body is covered with a thin blanket we found on the couch. Her eyes are wild and her shiny hair is spread out on the pillow under her. She's breathtaking really and she's all mine. I continue to stroke her back with my hand up and down making her shiver. This is what I want, something simple and nice, and amazing.

"Can I ask you something?" She flips herself over so that she is now on her back and her breasts are in full view for me.

I can help but grab her round flushed face and kiss her softly, "what would you like to know?"

She looks like she is deciding whether or not to actually ask her question but decides to just go for it. "When did you lose your virginity?"

Hmm, odd question, "When I was 16 to Liam's sister Dev."

She looks confused by my answer, did I say it wrong? "Does he know that?"

"Well, he walked in on us and forbid me to ever speak to her again so yeah he knows."

"Why would he forbid you?"

Always so curious. If I ignore the question it will only fuel her need to know. "She was twenty at the time."

Phoebe sits herself up clearly still sore."WHAT" She screams.

"It wasn't the best idea."

Her are wild again but not in an exciting way but in a very scary way. Like she could truly hurt someone right now. "YOU THINK."

"It was complicated, Phoebe."

"Not really. She's a  child predator!"

I grab her and pull her close to me so that I can hold her and hopefully move on from this annoying topic. The last thing I wanna talk about is Devina.

"Can we just talk about us ?"

She nods her head yes but clearly wants to talk about it more.


We pull onto the long gravel road in the middle of nowhere that leads to the Calloway mansion. The gate is opened which concerns Liam and I. I know that this must be the worst for Liam. This mansion holds horrible memories of neglect and torment for him and I know for sure that it is the last place he wants to be a month away from getting married.  He should be packing for a bachelor party not visiting his parent's old house. 

Liam's hands grip the steering wheel hard so I move my hand over his, "We can turn back Liam. We can just..." 

"No, we can't!" He snaps. 

With this Phoebe wakes and Teddy jumps. "Are we there yet?" Phoebe asks. Times like these when she is vulnerable is when I realize how much Damon is like her. I can't let myself think too much about it because it makes me want to grab that adorable round face of hers and kiss her until I am completely out of breath. 

"No love, just a little up to this road and we will be." 

I pull my hand back and slap myself mentally for continuing to think of Phoebe that way. 

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