Office Coffee and Devina Calloway

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My office is directly next to Liam's so every time I look up he's smiling at me. I am so glad Mr. Gregorary decided to make the office's with clear windows otherwise I would miss him too much. My day is filled with a file after file about cheating husbands, cheating wives, crazy old ladies, pretty much everything that anyone is complaining about except the one thing I need- Cambridge. Liam is in charge of Cambridge. Mr. Gregorary said it would be flawed if the case was officially mine, but he is aware that Liam tells me everything going on with the case.  I decide to stop thinking about it because Liam is a fantastic investigator so I pick up another file. A complaint of sexual harassment from Grey Publishing... Awesome.  I ring Liam and he looks at me funny, like "This better not be about Cambridge or the kids". I shake my head no and he answers. 

 "Calloway, how can I help you?" He can be such an ass sometimes. 

"Well Mr. Calloway, I need some insight. Gregory gave me a sexual harassment case for Grey Publishing." 

"I am assuming that it is not your mother inappropriately touching people so what is it about?" 

I sigh. "Sean Downey. Her assistant editor."

"That isn't the first one we have gotten you  know..." 

"You're saying that my mother doesn't want to deal with it." He turns his chair around so that he is not facing me and cannot make direct eye contact.

"Phee, she is the CEO. I doubt that your mother even gets those complaints. You need to go HR and see why it is they can't handle that creepy guy. If they don't cooperate, that's when, I am afraid, you need to speak to the CEO." Liam referring to my mother as the CEO  means that he is distancing knowing her which is probably something I should do.

"Thank you, sir," I say seductively. I like playing with him at work, he gets so mad. 

"Mrs. Calloway don't start."

"I am not Mrs. Calloway yet sir." 

"Soon my love." 

We hang up the phone and I dive back into my case. I do hope that this is just an oversight and that the HR team has actually looked into this. I search Sean Downey in the database and a hit pops up on my computer screen. He has had 12 sexual harassment cases but they all were dropped quickly before the girls quit. There is no way that 12 girls are lying. One maybe , two is pushing it , but 12 means there is something going on here.


"Liam what's up?"

"We just got a hit, Cambridge was spotted at a coffee house two blocks from Grey House but he ran off before the cops caught up. "

Yes! A Cambridge lead. We both give each other a nervous look and I quickly rush to gather my things.  "I'll call Teddy on the way."


At the coffee house we find an HP laptop, probably just a small one to keep other files on.

"Um sir, the computer has been Wiped but you should see something..." Officer Clayton gestures me to the counter where Cambridge has left the computer. I don't understand why a man so calculated would be so careless. As well as not wiping off his fingerprints off the coffee cup and being in direct sight of the camera. It's like he wanted us to know he was here. I just can't figure out what else he wants us to know.  "We're assuming the message is for you?"

Don't bother dear William,  Phoebe comes to no harm from my hand in my mind, but perhaps you should ask dear Devina as to why?

What the hell does Devina have to do with this?

Im so excited about Devina ! Are you guys? Ask me questions,  I would love to know what everyone is thinking of the Last book.
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