Mr. Grey Will See You Now...

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This is something that I never wanted to happen in my career. My dad sitting across me and looking at me angrily with my mom by his side. Elena Lincoln was almost murdered by a drug that we have yet to find. We all know that he didn't do this but he does have a motive. Elena sexually abused him when he was a child so maybe he just wanted her dead? Maybe he wanted to tie up some loose ends? I don't believe it for a second but I still have to do my job. "Where were you this morning Mr. Grey?" 

"Mr. Grey?" His left eyebrow lifting up high on his face and filled with judgment, "What happened to dad?" 

"I still have a job, Mr. Grey." Even saying the words makes me want to throw up but I have to be as professional as possible, "So, where were you this morning around 8 am?" 

"I was at the office. Then I was on the phone with the caterer  about your wedding." His emphasis on the word your is very clearly a jab at me. I wish he would just give me a break. It is not like interviewing my dad is easier for me either. 

"Okay well, I will call the caterer and then check with Olivia at the office." 

"Wonderful." He snaps at me and then looks to Taylor gesturing him inside, "Is that all Ms. Gey?" 

If he is gonna make this more difficult then so will I, "It's Mrs. Calloway actually and yes that is all." 

His grey eyes become harsh and he walks angrily out of the office, "Was that necessary?" My mother asks. 

I don't answer just show her the door and she walks out flipping her channel purse over her shoulder. I didn't want this to be awkward but I have a job to do which is something my family seems to get less and less. 

In my office, I go over all the files that we could get from Elena's main office. Everything checks out with her. All her finances are recovering so well from the let down that it was just a decade ago. The part that I don't understand is how did Cambridge or Lincoln convince Elena that she was back in time with my mother's forces seeking revenge. 

Elena is the key to all of this I bet if I can just figure out how and why. 

Liam's new assistant Joan enters the room with his laptop in her one hand and a coffee in the other. "Mr. Calloway told me to give you his laptop and I got you a new latte, decaf because you're still breastfeeding." 

"Thank you, Joan, but I could have done all that." 

She shrugs her shoulders and plays with her rosy ponytail, "I don't mind. Just buzz me if I could be of more use to you." 

She exits my office and goes back to her desk rights outside of Liam's office. I don't even remember when Liam hired her, but she knows that I am still breastfeeding. Perhaps I should tell Erika that I want an assistant. The only problem is I don't like someone knowing absolutely everything going on in my life and when it goes on, my trust issues are at a higher level than usual recently so maybe when everything calms down I can relax. 

Speaking of relaxing, Grant sends me a picture of Damon and Lulu at the pear eating lunch together with him and Ava. I really wanted Damon to get in some bonding time with Lulu before Liam and I get married. Damon needs to feel a strong connection to her before we all going away for a couple of weeks. I will admit going on my honeymoon with my new husband and two kids sound strange but it isn't for me. I love my little babies and two weeks without them sounds weird. 

Opening Liam's laptop, I see he changed his picture to our family photo that we took at the hospital with Grant, me, Ava, Dad, mom, Damon, and of course lulu in Liam's arms. With everything going on, it is nice to have so much in such a modern family. 

I pull up the email exchanges that Elena had been writing for the past two weeks and low and behold she was talking to WC for the entire two weeks- William Cambridge. 

From WC


Subject: Time

You have one week to deliver the photos. 

From Elena Lincoln 


Subject Bite Me

I told you no! Christian doesn't deserve that. 

From WC

To Elena Lincoln

Subject -

I don't have time for you to get conscious! Get me the photos. 

From Elena Lincoln


Subject Police

I will go to the police and say you have been in contact with me! Leave me and his family alone. For God sakes, Phoebe just had a new baby! You have time and money to run so do so! This is the last email I will send to you. 

PS Lincoln should be smarter than to blackmail me or his dirty laundry will come out as well. 

So Elena had something on Mr. Lincoln that's why they tortured her with all the drugs. We haven't got all the information but we do know that she was given a high dosage of something strong that won't show up on any regular testing. Elena seemed at peace with everything that had happened to her involving my family so they must have wanted her to remember how upset she used to be. 

I text Liam we need to get into her house to see if any of that blackmail she had on Mr. Lincol is still there and whatever she had on my dad as well. Some Kind of photo or something. 

He sends back that Agent Burk is already driving them to her home and I need to get there ASAP. Damnit! I knew the fucking BAU freaks were going to get in my way with this investigation. I make a mental note to call the Seattle PD as I rush out to my car to get to Elena's place. 

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