Marriage Story

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Mom and Dad are taking care of Luna and Damon while I wait for Liam to wake up. I cannot believe I almost lost him! When I saw him laying on the ground bleeding out, I almost just fell to the ground and had a mental breakdown but I knew the only way anyone of us were getting out of that situation was if I kept my cool and went, full detective.

I hear Liam mumble something but I can't make it out. I move my hand over his and rub it with my thumb, I am not going anywhere Liam.

"Hey you," Grant says as he walks in and takes a seat next to me. He throws his arm around me and I feel better with his presence already. He is my best friend. I realize that sounds odd, but he is and I miss him when he's not here.

"Hey, thanks for coming."

He leans in and kisses my head. The old me would have thought this was a romantic gesture but I know that is not what is happening. I know that he needs comfort just as much as I do right now. He needs someone to hold him because the thought of losing someone as important to us as Liam is was awful and horrifying. "I hate seeing him like this." Liam's shoulder is in a cast and he has bruises all over his chest. His eyes look heavy and purple. "It reminds me of when Alex attacked you. I thought you were a goner."

"Me too, but your dad helped and I was too stubborn to let that bitch kill me."

He chuckles a little, "Yes you were." Liam's fingers move a little and Grant uses his free hand to hold Liam's fidgeting fingers. "Marry him today."

Huh? "I can't. He is in a hospital bed."

"I just ordained myself earlier. I can marry you guys right now."

"Grant, what the hell?"

He stands up and wipes his sweaty and shaky hands on his jeans, "I think it is the perfect way to really let you go. I am about to go on tour. Damon is going with me. Ava and I are trying to make this serious. I want you and Liam together. I really mean that now."

"I am still confused."

He sighs loudly and begins to pace around, biting his thumb and looking ill. "I will always love you, but not because I think we should be together because when I think of the person who should me what love is I will always think of you." God, he is a songwriter. "Phoebe, I need to let you go so let me."

Before I can answer, Liam opens his eyes and snaps his fingers getting our attention, "I think that is lovely."

"But we have a wedding that going to happen in a week."

"We can get married right now and have our ceremony and reception later. I like the idea that the end of Phoebe and Grant is when he marries us. It is the perfect ending."

"You two are dramatic." I groan.

"Well, it is two against one so let's do it!" Grant yells.

I run my hands through my hair and wonder if they are right. The story of Grant and Phoebe is complicated and strange. We met, had an intense relationship, had a baby, didn't speak for five years, tried to work things out, and then I got pregnant with Liam and got engaged. Maybe having this kind of ending is the perfect way to properly say goodbye to our relationship. I look at both of them properly; Grant my British bad-boy who made me feel such intense love for someone who burned me, and Liam who taught me that feeling love and feeling passion are not the same thing. Both of them were so important to me but I have known who was best for me since I met both of them six years ago.

Perhaps this is the way that makes sense for all of us, "Okay."

Grant smiles and high fives Liam's good hand. "I will be right back! You two think of your vows fast!"

He runs off and Liam pats his bed. I sit next to him and kiss his face softly so I won't hurt him. "Are you ready Mrs. Calloway?"

"I am," and I realize that this is first time that I really mean that.


Ava got Phoebe some flowers and a veil from the hospital get well shop downstairs and Ana had given Phoebe her blue Saphire bracelet to wear. Christian seems sad but thrilled at the same time and Grant seems proud. I know he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't know for sure that he was truly done fighting for Phoebe and for that I think I will always be grateful.

"I promise to love you forever. I will always be your partner and I will always support you." Phoebe says holding my hands.

Grant looks to me and I know it is my turn but I am feeling choked up and I am also burning with pain in my shoulder. I want to say the perfect thing. I look to Grant he smiles at me. Just say what you feel Liam. "Phoebe, I promise to always love you for exactly who you are. I promise that our kids will feel loved and supported. I promise that no matter what I will always chose you."

We both look to Grant and he pats Christian on the back. "I now pronounce you man and wife. The bride kiss the groom, he is in pain."

She wipes the tears from her face and leans down to kiss me. She lets me go and I lean back and start to cry. My Phoebe. My wife. This is was just the beginning.


True love stories never end.

xoxo Michaela

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