Cambridge Needs Assistance

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Phoebe and I enter the office at 2 in the morning and we both rush into our offices to start looking through everything we to hopefully find that anonymous caller. Who could it be? Doctor Ryan? Alex's boyfriend who beat her almost to death. It wouldn't make any sense for her to put in the hospital and then Phoebe to get a call to protect her if it was the doctor.  It can't be Elena because she is dead. It can't be Hyde he is in lockup and doesn't have cellphone access. Alex surely didn't call to protect herself. There is no one we know of to call Phoebe and give her a heads-up.  Unless...

I rush across the hall to Phoebe's office and almost fall over in excitement, hopefully, I am right because if I am not, none of this makes sense. "Phoebe!" 

She jumps up from my manner of running into her office and then clams herself by breathing slowly, "Jesus! What is it? You have something?" 

I pass her the file where she took notes on Cambridge the first time we met him, "Look at the manner of tone, the timing between words, it may have been a voice you didn't recognize, but it was still Cambridge!" 

"What?" She picks up the file and then pulls out her phone from what she noted about the phone call and then sits down, pulling out a journal from her desk. She begins to scribble down notes on the side of her original ones. I wait patiently for her to catch up with me and believe me  then, sure enough, a few minutes after connecting the notes together she looks up bewildered..."Why would he call me as someone else when he called me as himself before?" 

It is an excellent question... Why would he call anonymously after calling as himself just a few hours earlier? "I am not sure but he is scared of something." 

"Alright Liam," She throws up her tangled dark hair into a scrunchy she got from her wrist and then gets out another journal from her desk. She signals me to sit down across from her and then places a timer on her phone for one hour, "We can't keep going back and forth with this shit so one hour to give me something to give Burke to put out an arrest warrant for Lincoln and Cambridge. After that give me something to bait out Cambridge with. If you are right and he is scared, he will need help to find Lincoln which means he needs us." 

I place coffee in the coffee pot so that we have some fuel and then she presses start on the timer. "Come on baby, let's do it!" 


Fifty minutes have gone by and yet we have nothing. Nothing to warrant an arrest warrant on Lincoln or Cambridge. We have a bolo out on Cambridge but not any warrants to bring him in. It is frustrating on every level that we are so close and yet hasn't hit that nail on the head quite close enough.  Liam's pacing and reading distract me from my inner thoughts of frustration and I just watch the timer. It slowly counts down closer to the one hour mark and I feel the hairs stand on my body from the anxiety. How Liam is holding himself together dumfounds me greatly. His calm exterior drives me insane with jealousy. We are getting married in one month and I am freaking out about everything! I am freaking out about never being with Grant again! I am freaking out about having murderers circling around me and my family! I hate everything going on right now that I cannot control. 

I wonder what my life would have been like if I had just worked for my father as he wanted. Or if I had been a writer for my mother. Teddy was almost out from the family business until he decided to move back to Seattle for Gabe and now is heading security for him. Jared is a writer for sure so no doubt he will work for mom or at least be published by her. I am the odd one out working for a PI company where I investigate the things police can't. I love my job and my life but I never had the normal part of life. I never went crazy in my teens and then went to college and dated around because I was studying to become a private investigator while being a single mom at the same time. No part of my life happened as most people plan it out, but is that how it is supposed to be? 

Grant texts me that Sawyer is circling the apartment and he is watching Luna and Damon closely. He tells me not to worry but how could I not? My kids might be in danger for something so moronic as misplaced anger. 

I stand quickly when I hear the elevator doors open, Liam does the same but pulls his gun from his holster. Nobody should be at the office right now! Not even Liam and I! 

He ushers me to stand behind him and we walk to the foyer by the elevators. There is a cold air passing through me and my goosebumps flare up again, I feel nervous and scared and I pray silently it isn't someone coming to kill me...

Liam gasp loudly when he sees him- Cambridge. 

He turns around with his arms up in surrender and a pained expression on his face, "Don't shoot Calloway!" He screams and Liam doesn't put down his gun only steadies it more. "I am not here to kill you, look..." he spins in a circle with his arms up and we see no weapons but I am still not convinced. 

"Throw me your boots." 

He looks down and laughs, "It is cold in here Phoebe." 

"That's too bad. Throw them!" 

He does as he is told and pulls off his black boots. He slowly tosses them to me and I see his old dusty socks but no syringes filled with any paralyzing drugs.  I sigh with relief and Liam walks slowly to Cambridge but snips at me when I try and go too. I watch him pat-down Cambridge nervously but he doesn't have anything. Liam lifts his hand telling me it is safe to come close. I walk over and Liam finally puts his gun in his holster. 

"What are you doing here?" Liam asks. 

Cambridge sighs and hunched over in defeat, "Lincoln he tried to kill me! I am in over m head!" 

"Why should we trust you?" 

He stands again and then lifts his shirt up revealing a wound still bleeding out, a stab wound. "Jesus! We need to get you to the hospital!" Liam screams. 

He runs over to the phone and I yell at him to stop! "Hang on!" I place one hand on Cambridge's shoulder and the other I punch into his wound. He yells out in pain but I continue, "How powerful do you feel now?" I continue until he is laying on the floor in agony. I feel a surge of joy from him feeling how I have been feeling for well close to a year. 

"Jesus Christ! Don't you guys know about Police brutality?" 

"Isn't it a wonderful thing that we are not the police?" Liam mutters from the reception desk. I smile at him and he gives me a nod that he has my back: I realize it doesn't matter if I am still attracted to Grant, Liam has my back and always will and that is why I belong with him. I always have even before I met him. 

"Let's go to the hospital and then you are going to tell me where the fuck Lincoln is! He is wanted for murder now." Liam and I pick him up together and walk him into the elevator and I have a sense that we are going to get what we want now, Cambridge going to prison along with Lincoln and Liam and I starting our lives together soon. 


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