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"So there is no place you could think of that he would go to for safe haven?" 

Dad shakes his head no as he pours me a cup of water, "No Phoebe. I am sorry but if I had even the smallest idea of where he could be, I would have told you by now." 

I figured as much but it is always better to check. I check my phone again and still nothing from Liam. Perhaps I should call him? I told him to send me pictures...My phone starts to ring, but it isn't Liam, it is one of the FBI agents on his security. "Hello?" 

"Ms. Grey, it is Agent Michaels, we need you at the country house now! Liam has been shot. We are trying to get inside but Lincoln has a hostage!" 

I fall to the floor and drop my phone. All the feeling in my body has gone numb and I cannot breathe. Liam. My Liam. My soon to be husband. Father of one of my children. He is dying. Oh no. Oh no! Please no! 

Dad rushes over and takes the phone. He nods along and tells Agent Michaels something I can't hear because my ears are numb to sound. When they are done talking, dad calls for Taylor. He rushes in and throws my numb body over his shoulder to carry me out to the car. "Phoebe, you need to get your head together! Lincoln only wants to talk to you!" Dad screams at me. 

Taylor pulls onto the highway then throws something over his shoulder to dad. I can't tell what it is but the next thing I know, dad is blowing an air horn in my ear waking me out of my shocked state. "WHAT THE FUCK DAD?" 

"I didn't want to do that but you need your brain right now kid. Stop thinking of him as your fiance and think of him as someone who needs saving. He has a baby at home and a girl who loves him." 

Me I think to myself. I am a girl who loves him. We have a baby at home. I nod at him and he kisses my forehead. I am coming baby. 


The pain in my shoulder is starting to get worse. I can't move it but I can see the blood flowing down my arm. 

"Ah, Phoebe, come on in! Enjoy the party!" 

Shit! Phoebe is here! He is going to kill her! Damn her for being so brave! 

I can't move my head to face her so I hope she knows what she is doing or we are all dead. Lincoln is a mad man! 

"Let the two of them go and we will talk." 

I hear his laugh, loud and mischevious, I hate him so much. "That's adorable but in case you didn't notice, I am running this not you." 

"Why am I here?" she asks loudly. My Phoebe is smart. I know she has a weapon but she won't go for it if Azia in the way. No casualties. 

I see her boots glide across the grass as she walks closer to him. I wish i could help but I can't even move my head. Azia starts to cry louder and I wince when I hear the sound of the gun smash against her face. If he throws her to the side then Phoebe can intervene and shoot him but he must be smarter than I thought because I can feel his tight grip around Azia. "You ruined my life, you bitch!" 

"Oh God! I have heard this shit before Lincoln and I am tired of it. You are the one who ruined your life not me, not my dad, not your ex-wife, you ruined it!" Please be careful Phoebe! 

"If Christian hadn't bought me out of my business and blackballed me to everyone, I would have been happy!" 

"No karma is a bitch. You beat the shit out of your wife, let a man go so he could hurt innocent women, and now you have killed multiple people. Insane people are never happy unless they are hurting. " 

Don't push him, Phoebe! 

I feel a thunk hit the ground and then a shot goes off. "NO!" I scream out. Phoebe runs to my side and kisses my head. Thank God! 

"I am going to get help. Everything is okay." 

Azia runs after Phoebe and shortly after, paramedics run in. Now that Lincoln is dead, everything will be okay. 

Phoebe runs in the ambulance and sits by me, caressing my arm and crying, "We got this Liam." 

We got this Phoebe. We really do. 

Deep Into The Light (Book 3 Of Deep Into The Water)Where stories live. Discover now