The New Normal

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"What the hell are we going to do?" I ask as Phoebe continues to try and find the signal that I couldn't trace moments ago. Cambridge told us Lincoln killed Elena Lincoln but why? Why hurt the person who had leverage on you? He must have what he wants or he wouldn't risk it unless he is a dumbass which is possible. 

"I have no idea!" Her fingers continue to cascade over the keyboard as I keep calling Agent Burke. "Why is that moron not answering yet?" 

"I don't know! Goddamnit, he outdid us again!" 

Suddenly, she stops typing at looks to me like she just figured out a very witty plan. "No, no he didn't!"

"Phoebe, Elena Lincoln is dead! And Cambridge just called to gloat!"

"No, he called because he is worried! Killing Elena wasn't a part of the plan because if it was he wouldn't have called me, but now she is dead and Cambridge doesn't know what Lincoln is going to do, he is terrified!" 

"Because Cambridge is a planner and this isn't part of the plan!" 

I have no idea how I got a better job than her because she can run circles around me with that brain. "EXACTLY! He is scared which means he will fuck up soon and when he does, we will be right there!" 

"What do we do now?" 

Her smiles fade away and then I realize why we have to tell Mr. Grey about Elena. I know what she did was horrible but for a very long time he considered her a friend, a very very bad friend, but he loved her in his own naive way. She doesn't have to say anything because when she picks up the phone, I know exactly who she is calling. I give her a kiss on the shoulder and then go upstairs to pack a bag for Lulu and one for Damon, we have to go to the office and the hospital to deal with all of this and that means Damon and Lulu need to go to Grant's apartment, well my old apartment, but the one Grant's renting while he is here. 

Lulu begins to fuss as I pick her up but she calms down when Damon enters the room, if I wasn't so upset about Elena being murdered, I would comment how adorable this moment is. 

"Hey bud, can you go grab your shoes? Mommy and I have to take you to your dad's place." 

"Why?" His brows sink and I can tell he is suspicious, this kid is just like his mother! "Give her to me! You're lying and something is wrong." 

His little legs try to raise his arms to my height and grab Lulu but it doesn't work because I raise here higher, "Damon get your shoes! We are going to leave soon and I promise you and Lulu will be just fine." 

"Damon, you heard Liam, go get your shoes. I just called your dad and he is expecting you." 

Damon runs off clearly stomping his feet but I chose to let it go for now. Phoebe takes Lulu from my arms and grabs her bag throwing it on her shoulders. "He will get use to this, you also being his dad." 

"For a long time, I was his dad, and then Grant came back, and now I am just the stepdad." 

She leans and kisses me quickly and then pulls my hand, "People can have multiple parents and love them all the same, now come on Grant is expecting us." 

We rush downstairs and Damon has his shoes on. "Okay, let's go." 


After Phoebe and Liam drop off Lulu and Damon they rush off to the office something about Elena Lincoln and Lincoln. Ava luckily stayed over so she can help me manage two kids which are instrumental with these two. 

Ava continues to rock Lulu back and forth in her arms while I put Damon to bed even though he is kicking and screaming at me, I have no clue what has gotten into him but I am not a fan! 

"Let me stay up with Lulu!" He screams. 

I try to tuck him into the guest bed again but it doesn't work. He continues to fight me and squirms out of bed, "DAMON ENOUGH!" I stop touching him and stand up to see he has completely stopped fighting me. He gets back into bed and pulls the covers over his head. "Uh, that's right, you listen to me because I am your dad. Now go to sleep and calm down." 

I run out the door and shut it closed. Little Lulu is still fussing but not as much. Ava meets my gaze and can read me, I cannot believe that I yelled at him! I yelled at my baby! He is gonna hate me now! 

"Uh, okay sweet girl let me put you down so I can talk to your uncle because he looks crazy!" Her sweet baby voice to Lulu makes Lulu go silent and I sink into my armchair and try not to explode from nerves that my son will never speak to me. "Now what's wrong?" 

"I yelled at him, Ava. I yelled at my son, he probably hates me now..." 

She cuts me off with her laughter and I glare at her, "I'm sorry baby, it's just so what if you yelled at him? He was being a brat." 

"He was just being a kid." 

"Now he was being a brat and for good reason, he's scared, but Phoebe said he's been mean to Liam recently too. Something's off and that attitude won't change if you don't give him some tough love." 

I move from the chair and away from her, "I am not going to hit my son!" 

"Oh dear lord read a parenting book, just one, Grant seriously. Tough love doesn't mean hit him! It means be real with him. When he is bad, you need to punish him. How do you think Phoebe has been doing it his whole life?" 

"I don't know, I wasn't here! I was a wang!" 

Her laughter comes back but this time it helps me calm down and notice how cute she is when she laughs. She meets me halfway and then wraps her arms around my waist causing me to kiss her forehead, "Listen, being a dad isn't always going to be easy but you are doing it and you also have to tell the truth even when it hurts." 

"Even if it doesn't change anything?" 

"Even then because that is the right thing to do"

I squeeze her harder and then kiss her forehead pretending that I don't have to talk to Phoebe soon about how I feel. I love her I do, and the best way to move on and be better is to come clean. I need to come clean about everything. 

I just hope Phoebe doesn't kill me. 


How do you guys like Grant moving on from Phoebe? Or at least trying to move on?

I love it! He is really growing up

Remember to be kind to each other and spread love. 

xo Michaela

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