Elena Lincoln

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Liam and I sit silently across the table from mom and dad. He is silent, looking off into the distance while my mom strokes his back gently with her hand. I knew Elena's death would come as shock to him, but I didn't think it would such an emotional experience for him.  "Um, Mr. Grey, did Elena ever contact you since the last time you saw her?" Liam asks. 

"No," he answers abruptly and then looks away again. 

"Dad, I am sorry but I need you to answer some questions," the thing about being a PI is that when it comes to the people you love, your badass detective skills go out the window and it just feels wrong, "if that's okay with you."

"What do you wanna know?" 

"When did your relationship start with her?" I snap at Liam to get out the laptop to take notes and he does so immediately, labeling them Grey, Christian- victim of deceased. Just seeing the word victim next to my father's name is like getting stabbed really deep in my stomach. 

"I was 15." 

I take a second to sigh and not get too emotional about is words, I have to be professional right now, I need Cambridge and Lincoln locked up soon. Liam types away in his file and my dad looks confused by how much he is getting down, "He has to write your posture and emotional status while you are answering the questions so we can look back on them later." My dad nods along but I can tell he is still annoyed by the questions in general, "How did she seduce you?" 

"I answered that in your last grilling session." He snaps. 

"I am aware but this is different now, she's dead, so please answer the question again." 

He goes on to answer every question, how he use to do yardwork for her, she taught him BDSM, how she gave him money to go forward with his company after dropping out, and after every question I asked, I felt more and more like a horrible daughter. I feel horrible that any of this is happening at all and that I am most likely the reason. 

Liam takes the questioning from me while I speak to my mother about upping security until I find Cambridge. She is all for it and luckily not in a frantic state like myself. As we run a security plan by Taylor my phone rings again from an unknown number, It isn't the same one that called me earlier but I still answer it with a shaking hand, "Hello?" 

"Yes, Phoebe Grey?" 

It isn't a voice that I know, it is a deep male voice one that sounds concerned and worried, "Do not try and trace my phone call because you will not be able to, but there is a plan to kill Alexandria Cambridge tonight. I suggest you go to her hospital room and protect her with excellent security because Lincoln wants revenge on Cambridge." 

Mom and Taylor look at me concerned but I wave them off, "Why would Lincoln kill Alexandria?" 

"Cambridge told Lincoln to leave her alone, he doesn't want his daughter dead anymore just you and your father and Grant James. Lincoln was mad at him and then killed Elena, ruining Cambridge's plan, and now he is off by himself out to kill Alex. I would also get security for Jack Hyde if that is a concern." 

"Why would Lincoln kill Hyde?" 

There is a silence on the other end and for a second I think the man hung up on me before he answers, "Because he is getting out of control." 

The line goes dead and I run back to the dining room for Liam. He isn't done with his questioning but stops the moment I run in, "What?" 

"I got an anonymous tip- Alex is in trouble and Cambridge has lost complete control of Lincoln." 

"Mother fucker!" He screams and runs to his bag getting out his phone and dialing quickly, "Burke! Go to Southeast General and make sure you stay by Alexandria Cambridge's side. Do not attempt to do anything else or I swear Seattle PD will have you back in Washington faster than you can say plane." 

"Taylor, get security to Grant's apartment now! I have a feeling this shit is about to go down soon." 

He doesn't question it, he merely nods yes and goes off to call in security. 

I wish I was a normal bride with normal problems like being able to freak out before my wedding and being able to have sex with my fiance without maniacs at my door. 


Ava and I decide not to go to sleep when Sawyer and some petite blonde named Mami show up to our door, "Personal security from now on sir." Sawyer says. I let him in willingly but he goes right to the guest room where Damon and Lulu are sleeping away. 

Ava gets nervous from their presence and proceeds to ask many questions to which Sawyer responds to all saying I am not sure. Her face grows red with furry of her unanswered questions so she smacks his shoulder mainly with her long manicured nails, "DAMNIT LUKE I HAVE KNOWN YOU SINCE I WAS A BABY!" 

"So you know that I do my job and right now Phoebe gave no clearance to give out information." He is so calm compared to Ava's burst of irritation. I must ask him how he does that. 

I decide to end this before it gets out of hand and calls Phoebe, "Hello? Is everything okay?" She says shakily on the phone. 

"Will you tell us what is going on so Ava doesn't murder Sawyer?" 

"Oh, right! I got a call from someone anonymously saying that Lincoln is pissed at Cambridge now and he is going off-script so everyone is in danger, not just me."

"Are you guys anywhere near finding Cambridge or Lincoln?" Ava asks. 

"I thought I was but now I am not so sure. We all have to be careful. Grant, in the morning, Sawyer and Bradburry are taking you and the kids to my parent's house and Liam and I are going to Alex with Teddy." 

"You guys be safe! Ava and I got the kids." 

"Okay, thank you. Love you guys." 

"Love you too." 

The second I say the words I see Ava roll her eyes at them. I can't just not say I love you back to the mother of my children, that would be worse than not saying it. Even Sawyer seems uneasy about the situation as he gives me a good luck look and I say thank you silently. 

"Just marry her already!" Ava yells and runs into my room slamming the door shut. "Should I come in after you? " 

"NO!" She screams back. 

Even when I am trying my best, I still have no clue how to handle this. This situation is an episode of Modern Family for sure. 

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