I Love You, Phoebe Calloway,

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After Liam showers, he goes straight to sleep, probably because he works too much. He has taken on more cases for me and on top of running the Cambridge investigation, he is making sure the wedding planning is getting finished with my dad. I think that dad is getting more nervous about me getting married than he comes off because he just seems so frantic. Even when I interviewed him about Elena, he wanted to talk about the wedding and if I am okay.  I am one hundred percent certain Liam is who I should marry, but the closer we get, the more nervous I am and it doesn't help when my dad keeps asking how I am. It is fucked up, so incredibly stupid, but there is still a part of me that misses Grant. I see him all the time, but he is becoming more mature every day and I can't help but find him more attractive than ever before. 

I have to leave the bed because having these thoughts in the same bed where my future husband sleeps is freaking me the fuck out. What if he can read my thoughts? I know that sounds impossible but he keeps talking about how great Grant is and how wonderful it will be for Damon to go with him and it is torture. I can't keep pretending that I despise him for so long without Liam catching on. 

I am marrying Liam Calloway, so I need to get my fucking head on straight before then. 

I go downstairs and pull out my laptop, going to my online files. I pull up the old file for Cambridge we built when he first entered our lives from blackmailing Olivia. Now looking back it was clearly a redhaired excuse to get to my dad. I read the files over and over, scanning what I think I should. Absolutely nothing is new. Alex is not awake in the hospital, neither is Elena, we still can't find the damn doctor that manipulated Alex, and Lincoln is hiding out. Everything is in a neat little spider web that I can't clean out- it's maddening really. 

Liam is obsessed with getting it figured out before we get married as well as finding a new home because this home is tainted with my sex adventures with Grant last year. I agree because whenever I get in the shower, I think about it. I think about us in the shower, I think about us in the hallway, I think about us in that goddamn museum the first time we were really together. But I also remember Liam. I remember him being friendly immediately after meeting me. I remember our talks through the night when I was pregnant. I remember that sexy makeout session in my bathroom when I saw those pics of Grant. He has always been the one, so why am I worried that I am losing this connection with Grant when we never really had a strong one. 


I shut off my computer and see Damon at the end of the hallway, wiping his tired eyes with his fists and yawning. It still surprises me how unbelievably cute he is. He has always been the cutest little boy but he looks so much like Grant so I have a feeling he'll be a heart breaker too. I go to grab him and sweep him up into my arms, still yawning, I peck his cheek and run my hands through his hair, "Why are you up handsome?" 

"I like to check on her at night, and you." 

Aw no! My poor little baby has been so worried, "Sweetheart, you know mommy and Liam got this at night. There are alarms and Liam has some protective measures as well." I don't know how to explain to a six-year-old that we have guns locked away in safes inside the house in case Camvridge comes back. 

"I know, but it makes me feel better." 

"Let's get you back to bed, okay?" 

He nods his head yes and I continuing carrying him on my hip even though he is too big. We get back into his room and I get him tucked in and shut off the lamp on his nightstand. A little kiss on the cheek and I leave him in the hopes he will sleep soon. 

Liam surprises me and causes me to fall to the floor, "Damnit Liam!" I shout. 

He laughs a little and then lends me a hand up, "I came to look for you since you weren't in bed. What's going on? He couldn't sleep?" 

I can't tell him why I was up. Grant and Cambridge are in my head. How do you tell your fiance that you are thinking of when you had sex with your ex? You don't so you pivot, "He was just worried about Lulu so I comforted him and hopefully he goes to bed soon." 

You lying bitch! My conscious yells at me. 

"I know this has been hard for him too. I will find Cambridge soon." 

"We will!" I assure him. 

"Yes, we will. Since we are up; how about some grownup time?" 

I can't control my laughter from his ridiculous use of the term grownup time but I kiss him anyway letting him know yes, please. With everything going on, we haven't really been intimate with each other. Perhaps that is why these feelings for Grant keep popping up. 

We head upstairs and are caught off guard when the phone goes off. "I'll get it!" 

I rush to the landline and hope it is nothing. "Hello?" 

"Hi Phoebe, it's been a while hasn't it?" 

Oh dear lord no! "Cambridge..." I whisper with horror and Liam's eyes widen. He is rushing to the tracker we keep at his desk but I doubt it'll even work at all. 

"So here's the thing, Phoebe, my life hasn't been going to well lately." 

I wish telephone punching was a thing because I can hear the smile on his face. "Aw that's too bad, not like it's karma or anything; how's your daughter again?" 

I hear his disgusting chuckle and it sends shivers down my spine. "Oh you know, she's is doing great." Asshole! "Anyway, I just wanted to say, thank you for getting Elena for me! I couldn't find her and she was held up in that damn office space. I knew drugging her would cause you guys to take her to the hospital giving me full access, the only problem is when I went to retrieve her, the bitch was dead." 

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! "What?" 

"It literally just happened and I am gone but whoever did that to her wasn't me so that's a heads-up. I think good old Lincoln went off script a bit." 

"I am gonna kill you!" 

"Back at you beautiful." 

He hangs up the line and I throw the phone in anger. 

"I didn't catch it..." Liam mumbles. 

I have no idea what the fuck we are going to do now. Elena was the key and now Lincoln just threw the key in the fucking ocean. 


Oh no! I love how this story is going oyu guys! 

xo michaela 

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