Christian Gives Advice

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Liam doesn't respond to any of my texts or phone calls as I rush to Grey's house. I need to make sure Damon and Lulu are okay but he hates me right now. I don't blame him for being pissed, I am sure as hell would be too. I cannot believe I was that stupid to actually declare love for a woman that is about to marry my best friend! She didn't even say anything at all, she just looked at me with this horrified look on her face. I know that means that she doesn't feel the same for me as I do for her but at least I said the words that have been eating me alive for the past year!

I rush into the house and see several policemen and women asking everyone questions. Phoebe and Liam are with Mr. Grey and Taylor in the dining room, "Is everything okay? Where's the kids?"

"They are just fine Grant. Ana took them to Grace with several security details." Since Grace is at the hospital I assume he means his boat named Grace. 

"Good, and Liam, your uh... your realtor called the apartment looking for you."

Phoebe huffs and pulls out her phone, "I'll call her and tell her we need to reschedule looking for a house."

She starts to dial but Liam signals her not to, "Don't. I don't even know if we are getting married anymore."

Phoebe looks up and drops her phone. I hear the sound of her screen shattering but it doesn't even phase her. He is doing this because of me... Oh Lord, why am I so stupid! "Liam she didn't say it back."

"She thought about it!" He snaps at me. I feel the anger and resentment coming from him and the heat is burning me so much so that I have to take a step back. Christion stands confused and Liam stomps off in anger with Phoebe not far behind him.

I attempt to leave before things get awkward but I Christian stops me, "STOP!" I turn back around to see him pointing his index finger at the chair in front of me, "Sit down, tell me what happened because last I noticed; Liam is in love with Phoebe and they are getting married and now he's saying he isn't sure and something tells me it has something to do with you because it always has something to do with you!"

"It doesn't always."

He rolls his eyes and tells the staff to clear the room, they all oblige and leave immediately, "Let's see..." this man is about to make a whole list of all shit I have done to his daughter, fantastic because I need a reminder! "You got her into rebelling, you took her virginity in a museum, you made her question who she is, you got her attacked by the fucking insane ex-girlfriend, you got her pregnant and then proceeded to leave, you moved into her house and made some odd love triangle with her and Liam, and now you have her future marriage fucked before it has even started!"

Hmmm, yup, I am not feeling too good right now, "To be fair to myself, I thought the museum was romantic and I didn't take her virginity she gave it to me, there is a big difference."

"Grant, you are the father of my grandson and for that you are a part of this family whether or not I actually like you, but let me give some advice from someone who used to be you; if you keep hurting people because you want everything you feel entitled to, you will be left alone in a big house with lots of money and literally no one to share it with."

"Sounds like a sucky life..."

"It was. Stop playing games with people! It won't get you anywhere real in life." I nod along and then grab my stuff to leave and see Damon. "Grant, you hurt my daughter or my niece and I will have to kill you. Literally, kill you, I have people."

I start to laugh but Taylor gives me a glare that scares me to my very core, "Geez, you two could be villains in a Bond movie!"

I leave the house telling myself that stuff is foolish. I love Ava and Phoebe loves Liam and I am a complete moron for trying to tell her how I feel because it isn't really- I see that now. I drive past Grey House and Escala and remember the night that I left Seattle. The look in Phoebe's eyes, the look of complete and utter heartbreak, broke me. The light that once shone so bright was dimmer because of me and I couldn't handle the fact that I did that. I drove away not from her, but from what I had done, and it took me six years to figure out that no matter how much you love someone, you need so much more to make it real.

I have got to figure out a way for Phoebe to not hate me for this! I have to fix this before Liam does anything stupid!


"Liam, please, I am sorry! I was going to tell him that I didn't feel the same I was just shocked was all!"

"I expected him to tell you those things; I didn't expect you to entertain him!"

"I didn't!" She yells causing all the policemen to take a look at us. Phoebe smiles and waves telling them it's nothing. "Liam, you knew this was complicated when you proposed to me! If you can't handle it then leave! We both know I can handle it."

Damnit, "Phoebe wait!"

She doesn't wait, she ignores me and walks away. I cannot believe I just told the mother of my child that I am not sure we are getting married! I love her so much and I really don't care how she still feels about Grant because she ultimately picked me not him. After all, we have been through and I just told her that I am not sure; how stupid can a guy be?

My phone goes off and Burkes's name appears, "Hello?"

"Hey, just letting you know, Cambridge went into shock. He's okay thankfully but he is in the ICU now so it will be nearly impossible to talk to him."

Wonderful! My only lead to Lincoln is now in critical condition! "Okay, keep an eye on him at all times and make sure that bastard doesn't pull one over on us!"

"You got it, how did things go with the Yellow Brick Road guy and your fiance?"

I roll my eyes and sigh because, in all honesty, this mess is my own damn fault, "You know his band?"

"My wife loves it."

"Well, not great but I don't have time to dwell, just call me if you have anything."

"You got it."

Now that Burke is at my back and call, he doesn't annoy me.

Erika texts me letting me know that she has a lead on Lincoln and I move through the house trying to find Phoebe. Will she even talk to me right now? 

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