Let's Talk About Grant

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I love holding my baby, Luna. She's so beautiful. I never want to let her go because that would mean she isn't safe. She'll be safe with me always and forever. I know that Cambridge is still nowhere to be found and that thought scares me more than anything I have ever experienced. 

"Liam?" Phoebe breathes, "Let Damon hold her." 

I look at Damon with his wide eyes, I can tell he's excited, but it hurts to keep passing Lu to everyone when she should always be with me. "Be careful buddy; hold her head up for me." Suddenly the door burst open, it's Grant and he looks like he's seen a ghost. "What?"

"I need to borrow you! Now!" His hasty request worries Phoebe so I kiss her forehead to calm her. 

"I'll be back in a minute beautiful." I close the door to our room immediately when I see why Grant's so shaken. "Dev?" She looks just like I remember, elegant and yet simply terrifying just like mom. 

"Well, I heard from a little birdie that I have a niece. I didn't even know you were getting married or had impregnated Grant's ex-whore..."Dev is cutoff by Ava slapping her hard across the face. The whole hallway stops and stares. The head doctor heads over to check on us but I stop him holding up one hand and he nods as he understands. 

Ava slides her rings back on her fingers, "I am so sorry- seems I have a spasm." Mrs.Grey laughs in her seat and I can't help but join her. "Mrs. Grey, Grant, we should grab some coffee from downstairs." They both nod in agreement but Grant checks with me first if he should go, and I nod yes. I deeply remember the last time Grant and Dev saw each other;  from Dev's glare, I assume she does as well. 

"What is it that you want Dev?" She smiles and sits in the chair closest to her while also rubbing her face from the aftershock of Ava's slap. 

"Look, I know we haven't had the best relationship-"

I stop her with my hand," You banged my best friend, took my company that was owed to me, then kicked me out when I didn't agree to be apart of the company you stole; so no Dev, we do not and will not ever have a good relationship!" 

"You really should let things go. Anyway, I came to extend an olive branch." From her purse, she retrieves an old rattle, my rattle, from when I was a newborn. 

"This is your olive branch?" She nods her head whilst smiling from ear to ear. I have to admit it's a sweet gift. I am just confused. "You said you hated me and never wanted to see me, oh and there was the part of you calling my fiance and the mother of my child a whore- didn't like that part." 

"That was mainly because Grant is still clearly in love with her, by the way, what is that about? Are you putting a ring on Grant's baby mamma? I remember mom talking about with the James's. "I forget how close my parents are with Grant's Dad's even still. 

"She is my baby mamma now, remember?" 

She nods and laughs. There was a time when all I wanted was to make my older sister laugh, but now I am not sure if she is the best thing to have around. "Can I meet her?" Before I can answer Phoebe enters the hall waiting area, closing the door behind her with Damon's curious eyes. 

"I am afraid that will be a no. I don't welcome trash near my children. " Oh! I forget how piercing Phoebe can be with her words. "Taylor, will you show Ms. Calloway out. She is not welcome here. " 

Taylor emerges from the corner of the hallway and grabs Dev's arm. I am assuming Grant already told her the tale of Devina Calloway. Her stance alone is as cold as ice. Devina doesn't argue; she stands and puts her gloves back on before smirking at Phoebe. Before I can say anything Phoebe goes back into our room shutting the door before I can enter. I guess not getting rid of my sister sooner caused some irritation to flare up.  Grant, Ava, and Mrs. Grey watch as Dev leaves us and Phoebe and Grant stare at each other for what seems like forever before Phoebe breaks contact. 

I open the door and allow Mrs. Grey, Damon, and Ava to enter after me. Luckily we got the biggest room in the hospital so all these people don't cause it to be too cramped. "Phoebe..."

She looks up fast with a hard glare. "You talked to that woman for more than two seconds which is betrayal in my humble opinion." 

"She is my sister my Phoebe." I urge. 

"She is also a child molester." 

The room goes quiet and Mrs. Grey and Mr. Grey exchange some weird look like they are sharing a silent conversation.  Ava stands and grabs Damon while a nurse grabs Luna and they exit quickly. "Phoebe it wasn't ..." 

Grant is interrupted by Phoebe, "ENOUGH!" The room goes silent again. "If you tell me one last time that was some sick piece of a shit relationship then I will kill you right here. I do not want that woman anywhere near my children and that is not a request that is my demand! Unless you would like your ring back?" She shoots her angry glare at me and I have never seen her soon angry that I chose not to mess with her. 

"I do not." I kiss her forehead again. "Sleep, my love." 

We all exit and turn the lights off behind us. Mr. Grey is the first to speak...

"What the actual fuck?!"

Grant looks to the floor with shame, "It's a long story." 

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