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"When you are done sewing him up, can I get a copy of the report and his vitals?" 

The nurse nods along and then rushes off, clearly not wanting to do deal with a private detective, but I don't have time to let her ignore me. I pull out my phone and start writing out my notes...

1 Turned himself in.

2 Scared of Lincoln? 

3 Not a deep wound, could he have done it to himself? Is he toying with me? 

4 Cambridge is likely just toying with me... 

I feel a pull on my arm and turn to see Grant. He is sweating and worried and I don't have time to ask him what is wrong as he hugs me. 

"Why didn't you call and say Cambridge came to you?" He says as he is breathing hard onto my neck and squeezing me with his arms. 

I didn't want to worry anyone but I see we should have at least called, "I am sorry, I didn't think about it." 

"I came back." 

I push him away with confusion because I do not know what he is talking about, "What are you talking about?" 

His eyes begin to water and look deeper into them. His kind eyes always get me into so much trouble so when he looks at me like this I know it is a warning that I am about to get drafted into something with him, "I came back all the time. I would come back to Seattle and have my dad's pickup Damon so that I could see him. I loved you the whole time but I was stupid and scared and didn't want to tell you so I am telling you now- I love you don't marry Liam." 

He grabs my shoulders and starts to rub them. I have to look away from him because I feel him completely. I have felt this deep weight on my shoulders that marrying Liam is closing the door on Grant completely but things are different now- Luna. My beautiful baby Luna who looks like me and Liam. I am not a teenager who wants to run around with a musician and be a groupie; I am an adult and I am getting married to the man I love. 

"Hate to interrupt but Cambridge is done being looked at." Liam snaps. 

He doesn't bother to wait, he just rushes off with Grant running off after him. Good Lord, what did we just do? I should have immediately responded but I didn't... 

I pick up my feet and rush after both of them, "Liam wait." 

"No thank you." 

"Liam, I am sorry." Grant spits out but Liam stops dead in his tracks and shoves Grant to the floor. "Fuck!" Grant screams holding his arm in pain. 

"Did that hurt?" 

"YES!" Grant screams. 


Liam stomps off and I step over Grant to follow him. I do not have the time or the energy to deal with him right now so I am just going to ignore that just happening. 


I hear Phoebe walking behind me but I am afraid I do not want to even look at her right now. She should have told him to fuck off. She should have said that she is marrying me and Grant really needs to move on. But she did not say anything. She sat there and held Grant and looked into his eyes almost like she agreed with him... but did she? Are there second thoughts popping into her mind that she didn't tell me about? I thought we were endgame. I thought we were everything but right now I am not sure what we are. 

Agent Burke leads Phoebe and me to Cambridge's wound and he is awake but barely thanks to the pain killers the doctors have him on. He waves us over but I put a hand out to Phoebe so she will let me talk to him alone. She can get worked up more than me and we don't have time for her to beat the shit out him again. 

"Where's Lincoln?" 

His breathing gets louder and rougher, the wound must have been worse than it looked. Lincoln wants him dead, I can feel it. "Christian... Christian is in trouble." 

"Lincoln is going after him?" 

He shakes his head quickly, "Pearson!" 

Phoebe runs up to him, pushing me out of the way, and getting close to him, "Pearson Davis?" 

Cambridge nods and Phoebe drops to the floor, "Phee, who is that?" 

"He works for my dad with security." 

I pull out my phone and dial Mr. Grey as fast as I can. He answers thankfully after just a couple of rings. I place my hand on Phoebe's shoulder and squeeze it, I am here, I say silently, and she nods letting me know she understands me, "Hello?" 

"Pearson Davis, he is working for Lincoln!" 

"Yes, I am aware. Taylor has him tied to a chair and we are waiting for the police." 

Seriously, this man is magic.  I am able to breathe and mouth to Phoebe that he is fine, everything is fine. "Do not do anything, Phoebe and I will be right there- wait! Where are Damon and Luna?" 

"They are with Gail and perfectly fine, I promise. Get here soon." 

We hang up at the same time and I help Phoebe get up from the floor. Burke agrees to stay in the room with Cambridge along with a beat cop to keep him safe and tell me when he wakes up. Right before we leave Cambridge calls for Phoebe. 

"Lincoln is worse than me Phoebe." 

She scoffs and looks back at him, "Oh yeah? How's your daughter?"

"I honestly don't care." 

"Right because once you were done raping her she got less interesting huh?" His eyes go wide and Phoebe pulls on his cord causing him to start seizing, "Don't take me for a fool, when I am done with you, you will wish Lincoln killed you." 

We walk out of the hospital room and I wonder what exactly she is going to do with him...


We are getting close to the end of the series! What do you guys think? SHould Phoebe reconsider Grant or shove him to the side and marry sweet Liam? 

And who wants more scenes with Phoebe and Liam from a few years back? 

Remember to vote and be kind to others. 

xoxo Michaela 

Deep Into The Light (Book 3 Of Deep Into The Water)Where stories live. Discover now