The Mysterious Mansion of the Calloways

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 Myself, Liam, Grant, and Teddy get out of our rental car and set foot up a little hill that connects to the Calloway mansion. Liam's family have had the mansion for generations, each time being passed to the firstborn. Devina took it along with the company but Liam doesn't mind much. He doesn't talk about his family a lot with me but I think it has more to do with him feeling like he never really had a family. Grant informed me that his parents weren't the warmest people and often showed little affection towards their children. It really is remarkable how kind Liam is with everything that had gone on with his parents. He is already the best dad and we have only had Luna for a couple of weeks. On top of that, he is the sweetest with Damon.  

Liam walks ahead of all of us a little bit and Teddy does as well. I didn't want there to be any tension coming here to see if Devina would be here but I guess that really is unavoidable.  "This won't go well- stay close to him." Grant whispers. I sometimes forget how much Grant really loves Liam. They are like brothers who haven't gotten along for a few years and have recently made up. So much love building up that they need to get it out. I nod at Grant and catch up to Liam taking his hand in mine and squeezing it firmly. 

His eyes meet mine and I know he knows that I am here for him but it never hurts to remind the people you love. The door to the mansion is large and wooden. Has bolts that outline the frame and a huge sign that says Calloway carved into it. I refrain from telling Liam how extra his ancestors were. 

Liam's hand lets go of mine and he gets the keys out of his pocket that were in his safe at home. I never understood why someone would keep keys in their safe but I do know- he knew he would have to come home eventually. The large wooden door opens and we all enter the house. Just like the outside, it is old and classic but you can tell that there is very little life here and hasn't been for quite some time.  The floors are dusty and the furniture hasn't been used for a least a few months. Pictures line the hallways of Liam and Devina along with all their awards. There is only one photo is Liam's parents and they look more like business partners than a married couple. 

"I thought Devina took this place years ago, why does it look like no one has been here for a long while?" Teddy asks. 

Liam doesn't answer just shrugs his shoulders and continues to walk through the house. We walk in silence until we reach a long staircase that is outlined in the beige carpet. "Up here," Liam tells us.

We all follow behind him and say nothing. I think at this moment we all know that Liam should talk first. He leads us to a door at the end of the hall where he gently pushes the door open and we see Devina at her vanity doing her makeup. She jumps with surprise and drops her hair straightener. "Liam my goodness what are you doing here?" 

His eyes are angry and wild, something that I have never seen before on him. "Still have the keys," He holds up the chain with all the keys and dangles them in her face, "I have a better question; how do you know Cambridge?" 

She smiles but not in a sweet way that shows love, in a way that makes you know that if they were alone she would kill him. I try and move closer to Liam to be protective but Grant stops me and pulls me back. He shakes his head no and squeezes my arm to keep me in my place. "Who is that?" 

"Do not bullshit me, Devina! This man is coming to my family! That is why you brought me that bullshit peace offering because you wanted to know what I know. It is time we start sharing again big sister." 

Her gaze meets Grants and he straightens up. My protectiveness shifts and I cover Grant surprising us both. Devina moves a little away from Liam to sit on her bed, flipping her dark hair away from her face, "Cambridge was an old lover until he got a bit needy."

"What does he want from you?" 

"Hell if I know. All I know is that he brought some guy with him here last night and wanted to stay but I said no." 

"He was here?! And you didn't call the police?" 

She shakes her head no and Liam steps a bit closer to her making her uncomfortable, "He has a not so PG-13 film of us that I really do not want out in public Liam." 

Of course, he does skank! I yell in my head. This guy just loves to blackmail women. 

Grant's hand grips my arm tightly and I feel his head on my shoulder hiding from the confrontation of it all. He doesn't like conflict. His act of bad boy with a big ego cannot beat his vulnerable real Grant. I love seeing this side of him even if it is in this situation. This is the side he needs to show more often especially to Ava and Damon. I am caught in a really bad situation; being protective over Grant and Liam. This whole having babies with two different guys thing is not helping the trying to find Cambridge thing. 

"Devina; stay away from my family! If you see Cambridge or that idiotic doctor..."

"David." Devina interrupts.

Grant lifts his head from the nook of my neck and laughs causing Devina and Liam to look directly at us. "Of course you know his name lying little twit." 

Grants statement causes Devina to snap and throw a glass plate at our heads. Grant pulling me away from the direction and catching me inches before I fall the ground. Before she can throw anything else, Liam pushes his older sister into the wall and she cries out a little from the sudden feeling of being shoved. "I think you've tried to hurt Grant enough Devina," He steps closer to her and points his index finger at her chest, "if you hear anything from anyone, call me! I am not kidding." 

Liam stomps off and grabs my hand away from Grant, pulling me out of his old home and not closing the front door. Grant and Teddy walk behind us whispering something that I do not hear. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. 

"Two months..." 

"Until what?" 

"I need to find this son of a bitch before our wedding in two months." His lips crash into mine and in front of Teddy and Grant, Liam kisses me with more passion than he has the first time we had sex. "I will protect our family..." He breathes. 

"I am right behind you." 

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