Grant's Issue

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Ava and I ride in silent on the way to drop off Damon and Lulu with Mr and Mrs.Grey. I still feel very confused by her anger when it came to me saying I love you to Phoebe, she is the mother of my child, so I feel love towards her. Sure, there are some unresolved feelings there that there is no telling as to when those bloody things will go away, but I will always love her. I told Ava I loved her and I told her I wanted her to go on tour with me so why the intensity of this whole silent treatment? 

Damon still won't talk to me since I yelled at him and no matter what Ava said, I feel the need to confide in Phoebe as to what is going on with him. How do I get him to see that I was just trying to be a parent? 

We pull into the very long and windy driveway to the Grey's house; no matter how many times I pull into this house, I still remember a heartbroken Phoebe running after my car and me pulling away like the scared child I was. I should have gotten out of the car and professed my love for her. I should have told her I wasn't leaving her ever. I should have seen Damon's first steps and his first word. I should have come back so much sooner and yet I didn't. I dated models, actresses, singers, everyone and anyone to get Phoebe's attention but it never worked- she is too mature for it to have worked. 

That day I was leaving Seattle and I was looking over the skyline and starring at the grey house was the sign I shouldn't leave but I did! I ruined everything and now she is marrying my best friend in less than a month and I am dating her cousin. I love Ava, I really do, but there is still a piece of my heart that says Phoebe and I belong together. I really need to talk to Phoebe alone and see where she is because I am going crazy over her thinking and thinking. 

Inside, Ava goes to sit with her parents and Damon and Lulu and just as I am about to leave, Teddy grabs my arm, "Ow! What Teddy?" 

"Don't do it!" 

"Do what? Let go of me Driving Miss Crazy!" 

He shoves my arm away and then tells Mr. Grey he is walking me outside, "Don't go after Phoebe." 

"Oh dear lord, I am not!" 

"You look like you are panicking about her marrying Liam, don't, they have a baby together." 

"I remember us having a baby together too!" 

He swings his arm around me and starts moving me to my car, for a minute I think he might stab me or something and claim self-defense, he hates me the most. "If there was ever a time for you and Phoebe it was five years ago, but ever since then, Liam's been her world and Damon's been yours for the past year. Don't ruin the good relationship you are having with your son after ruining it." 

I push him off and drive down the windy driveway and know with every part of me that he is right but unfortunately, I do not care. Surely Phoebe has had some doubts about Liam? We were together way before they were and we had Damon together. How does all that love go away within a year? It hasn't for me and I am not sure if it ever could...


Phoebe and I sit together waiting patiently for Cambridge to be patched up from his wound that Phoebe most definately made worse. I can tell that her mood had lifted because we have Cambridge now. The big fire starter is now ours and he will lead us to the loose cannon he seem to have let go without thinking. 

The nurse shows Burke to where we are sitting and Phoebe immeditaly gets annoyed. I hate him too! It is his fault that Elena is dead! This fucker was supposed to be watching her and instead he was being an idiot and our lead to Lincoln died, well, that was before Cambrdige turned himself into us of course. 

Burke says hello but I am the only one to acknowledge his pressence, Phoebe simply tells me she is going to get coffee and then walks away without saying anything to Burke. 

"Geez," he whines as he falls hard to the chair next to me Phoebe was just in, "I really did try my best, he got the better of me." 

"In Phoebe's defense, she's been through quite a lot of stress with Cambridge and Lincoln." 

"I noticed," he pulls put a large manilla file labled Snowstorm and shoves it to me," maybe she'll like me more if she has that." 

I open the file and inside is a lot of pictures with Mr. Grey and Doctor Hammand walking together, eating, laughing, it looks like like they are friends of some sort. "What is this?" 

"A few years back, the BAU looked into Doctor Hammand and Mr. Grey for the Seattle rapes that went on. Inside is quite a lot of information about Mr. Grey and his little play room that would make some reporter very happy." 

I don't have to look into the file very far to see what he is referring to. Women with Mr, Grey. Tons of files with receipts for cuffs and leather paddles. "Why think Mr. Grey had anything to do with it?" 

"Just connections with the doctor and the suspicous purchases but once they figured out he was just kinky, they closed the file on him." 

"Well, I am sure that will help you get in her good graces but why do you care if you are or not?" 

His hands run through his hair and I see the sweat puddling under his arm pits, "If I don't help with this and catch him, they are not going to let me go to the BAU and that's the dream for me. I have worked my ass for it and I need it. So no more games- I need you guys." 

Before I have the time to give him a response, a sweaty and panicked looking Grant comes rushing down the hall, "Grant! Why are you here man?" 

"Everythings okay, I just need to see Phoebe." 

"She went to go get coffee downstairs, we're waiting on Cambridge." 

His face focuses on me and then a worried state sets in, "YOU GUYS FOUND HIM AND DIDN'T CALL?" 

"Oh, yeah, I knew there was something we needed to do." Damn, I forgot! 

"Jesus, I will deal with you later, where's Phee?" 


He runs off and I sit back down with Burke shoving the file into my bag to keep it close with me, "Where's that guy going?" 

"Well, my wedding is set for less than a month, so he's off to tell my fiance he still loves her I assume." 

"WHAT?" Burke yells and I can't help but laugh knowing Grant has nothing on me now. 

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