Grant's Mistake and Cambridge's Gift

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Phoebe must hate me now! I couldn't say no to Damon though- he wanted to be with me. I messed up so much with him and he was sitting there telling me he didn't want me to go and then that he wanted to go on the road with me. I haven't even mentioned to Ava about the tour because I am not sure how she feels. We have been dating casually for several months because she is always away doing PR and I have been here with Damon. But I have to tour the album I put out forever ago.  

If I pushed her too far, then maybe she'll take Damon away from me. I have missed so much of his life already and now Phoebe is marrying Liam so they will have this new family unit that I am not apart of. I still love her, I know that for certain, but I have to put my foot down and tell her that Damon is my son and I want to see him. I want to watch him grow up more. I want to be there for him for doctors visits and parent-teacher meetings, anything he needs, I want to be there. 

I sit at my coffee table and look through old photos of Damon that Phoebe gave me a long time ago. I still cannot believe how much he looks like Phoebe and me together. I always thought about on the road when she was pregnant that he would like her. Dark hair, pale skin, a smile that could kill a man but no, he looks like me but with Phoebe's eyes and attitude. 

My phone goes off and I see that I have missed calls from Ava. 

Buzz me up.

Damn, she must have been downstairs forever; I really need to give her a key. 

Ava strolls in with a welcoming mood that floats into me and places her purse on the table by the door, "What's up? You weren't answering your phone." 

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, I was just looking at pictures of Damon. I forgot Phee gave me this box to look for forever ago." 

Her nice smile fades and is replaced by a worried one. "Okay." 

"What's wrong V?" 

She walks away to sit on the couch with her head in her hands, "You are still in love with her aren't you?" 

Oh God, the question I know the answer to, but I can't say it- she'll dump me! She is facing away so that her angelic blonde hair is falling around her face. I move it a little so that I can pull her hand into mine, I have to tell her. I do truly care for her, I just need to take things slow. "I can't lie to you, I do," She scoffs and begins to move off my couch but I pull her back down to me, "wait, I love you too. It's hard, all of this is confusing when I came back I thought Phoebe and I would be back together but she ended up with Liam and having a baby with him." 

"Exactly! A baby. Almost a year ago she got pregnant, got engaged, and now they are getting married and I still don't have a key to your apartment! Why? Because you are still in love with a girl who picked your best friend!" 

Her words are hurtful but true nonetheless, "What can I do for you? I am not going back to Phoebe, obviously, but what can I do to help you feel better?" 

"Stop looking at her like she is everything you will always want and try to be actually committed to me!" 

She's right. I need to move on for own sanity and I don't want to lose Ava, We are good together, we laugh at the same things, we love to travel, she is great with Damon, and she doesn't love someone else. "Come with me." 

"Come with you where?" 

"Come with me on tour. I am trying to get Phoebe to let me have Damon but the more the merrier." 

She grins from ear to ear now and I know said the right thing, thank goodness. "Are you serious?" She squeals with excitement making me more excited. 

"Yes, you're right and I want to commit to this more so come with me." 

Please says yes, I beg silently. "I'd love to go with you." 

She jumps into my lap and begins to kiss me passionately. I am gonna do this! I am gonna move on with her and love her in the way I never loved Phoebe, the right way. "So we're gonna do this?" 

She nods her head quickly, "Yeah, I think we are."  


Lulu lays down in her bassinette fast asleep as I fill out the reports for the Seattle PD. Agent Burke is pissing me off far too much to continue to deal with them. We have made progress though! We now know Elena was not involved but Lincoln is and he is planning with Cambridge. Cambridge is an awful petty bastard that's for sure. 

No news from Burke on if Elena has woken up yet so we can ask her about everything that has been going on. She can't lie, we know she has been talking to a man on the run which is already illegal, but if she lies again she will definately be prosecuted. 

The wedding is so soon and Cambridge is still out there, Grant is in love with my finance, Lulu won't sleep, and Damon is pissed at Phoebe for not letting him go with Grant on tour. This family is never off the clock with drama ever! I can't turn around without being worried someone is about to explode. 

There has to be a way to get Phoebe to calm down and reason with her to consider letting Damon go.  I do feel for Grant, I can't help it. If Phoebe had chosen Grant instead of me then I would be absolutely crushed. I certainly wouldn't handle it well considering now we have Lulu. Grant has Damon with Phoebe and they have to co-parent well so Damon isn't hurt by anything.

This adulting shit is getting harder and harder even without Cambridge involved.  

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