The Reason Behind the Curtain

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The saleswoman in the bridal salon packs my dress into a lovely box with a white ribbon tied into a bow on the outside. My mother stayed while I tried on all the dresses but in the end, the simple mermaid style was the one I fell in love with. A beauty but not flashy just like my wedding. A simple boat house with fairy lights all around us and curtains hanging off the tent. I cannot believe it is coming so soon and Cambridge is out there still. Liam texted that as soon as I could I needed to get down to the office with Grant. I hate having my bridal moment short lived but I have work to do. 

The nanny sends a picture to me of Damon holding Lulu and it is about the cutest thing that I have ever seen, "Mom," I tap her shoulder while she hands the saleswoman her card and she grabs the phone from my hand and then covers her face. My kids are the cutest kids in the world I know. "Dean and Jared are gonna be there soon, but I guess Damon wanted alone time with Lulu." 

"It really is the greatest feeling in the world isn't it?" 

"What is mom?" 

"The feeling of your kids grow into their own people." 

I smile sweetly before hugging hard, "Yeah it is." 

After my gown is put safely into my mom's car, she kisses us goodbye and goes back to her office. Grant, Ava, and I leave for my office- I am really hoping that Liam got something from Sophia, Cambridge's ex-wife but not Alex's mother. She may have had some insights as to where Cambridge may be. 

Liam greets us at the elevator and ushers us all in leading me to his office, "Any information from Sophia?" I ask, practically begging. 

He leans against his desk and shakes his head no, "She said they were only together for two weeks and she left him for being rather violent. She didn't know anything about Alex being in the hospital so she left to go see her." 

"Jesus Liam, what are we going to do?" 

"Your dad said he will try and reach out to all of his friends at the coast guard in case he tries to hide on a boat."

"People hide on boats?" Ava interrupts.

I shake my head yes while I hold my stomach to stop from vomiting from nerves, "It is a way to stay off grid and Cambridge was rich enough to hide some investments from people." 

"We have had some cheating husbands have affairs on boats before," Liam responds. 

Everyone else dives into a guessing game of where he could be. Casino, out of the country, a cabin in the woods, hiding out at friends- it is all so annoyingly wrong. I can't afford to keep guessing; I have two kids to keep safe. 

My head begins to pound but then I remember something, something that could help- "Guys!" I yell and they all tilt their heads at me screaming, "This all started with dad right?" 

"Yeah." Ava responds still confused. 

"Well, what if that's all he wants. He wants what dad has and what he stands for." 

"What are you going with this Phee?" 

"Cambridge would go where he knows someone hates dad as much as he does. He planned this for a while so surely he did his research- it's Lincoln!"

Grant looks confused, even though I know I told him this story, but Liam makes his mouth do an O shaped, "Oh my God, why didn't we think of that?" 

"My dad ruined Lincoln after he paid Jack's bail so surely he wouldn't mind a little payback." 

"Alright, Phoebe come on with me we are going to pay Elena a visit and Grant and Ava please stay here in case anything flows in while we are gone." 

Ava and Grant nod along and Liam rushes us out to pay Elena Lincoln a visit. 

Our receptionist Jordan sends us the address of Elena Lincoln's office space where she runs her salons and it is only ten minutes away from our office space- small world. I remember very little about the whole story but I know from Kate that Elena hurt my dad when he was younger and that they lied to the family about it for years. I know that my mother hates her with every fiber of her being and I know that all in all, it was very traumatic for my dad to have her in his life. When I was thirteen, my dad sat me and teddy down to talk about how some adults can be very inappropriate when it comes to kids and that if it ever happened to go find one of my parents. I didn't fully understand what they were talking about until freshmen year I took a psychology class and learned about sex offenders of children. It was so crazy to me that someone would do that to a child. 

Elena is a name that we don't speak in our house. She is straight up the Lord Voldemort of the Grey family. Well, now Grey/ Calloway family. 

When we pull up at her office, there are two detective cars parked out front, "Liam", I point to the black SUV's and he sighs. 


"I know, they are detectives." 

He shakes his head no and hits the steering wheel aggressively, "No Phee, the plates are federal."

Shit! Shit! Shit! "My guess, Cambridge has made a lot of news which means we get to deal with the BAU again." 

Fuck! I hate the BAU. The Seattle PD is always really welcoming of help when it comes to cases and has mainly given us leeway when it comes to the case but since it has taken a bit for us to get a lead they most likely asked the pencil pushers to come in. They always try to get us to back off, but since we are not technically the police, they can't control us and they know it. Liam gets out of the car and I know that we are going to get in a dick measuring contest real quick. 

This should get interesting.....

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