Fiction and Friction

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      What do you think about love? Do you know what it means? How does it feel? The complexity of it? Truth be told,  I am still not sure what it means. But I think with everything that has happened,  I will figure out.


Phoebe is still asleep in the hospital bed as I rock my new baby girl Luna back and forth. She's so beautiful with dark eyes like her mom and these tiny ears that I cannot stop touching.

"The feeling is quite warm, isn't it? " Mr. Grey says having one hand on my shoulder the other on Luna's head. "Holding your little girl?"

"She's the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. " He chuckles with laughter. With all this happiness I forget, "Anything on Cambridge yet?"

Mr. Grey stiffens his posture. "I am afraid not."

"Nothing on our end either. With Luna here and the wedding so close; I need Cambridge found. "

"We all do." Mr. Grey holds his hands out asking for permission to hold Luna and I carefully place her in his arms. "Another grandchild out of wedlock ..." This dude will not let that go.

"In my defense,  she came rather early so not really our fault. You're the one who wanted us to have a big wedding, I said city hall was perfect. "

"City hall? You animals." 

Phoebe mumbles in her sleep and we both wait for her to speak but she just turns over onto her side. " You're next grandchild will be born within our marriage, promise." 

Mr. Grey sways Lu from side to side and she relaxes with him, "Lu, will you be as difficult as Phoebe'?" 

I chose not to answer but she is already presenting symptoms of being much like her mother. She won't nurse, she hasn't slept well with her nurses, and she won't stay still for her baths. All clear signs of the stubborn Phoebe Grey soon to be Phoebe Grey- Calloway. 

The wedding is in a week and still no Cambridge, hopefully, he doesn't make an appearance at the wedding...


"Daddy where is a baby sister? " My adorable little boy. He is so happy to have a little sibling.

"She's here, but she's tired. We'll visit her soon. " Ava replies poking sweetly at Damon's nose. It's been good being with Ava. I really hope I don't mess this one up too. "Your mommy is extremely exhausted too."

Which is true, I went into the room and Phoebe was asleep and that was about 12 hours ago.

Mr. Grey walks out of the room and smiles at Damon. "Well buddy, your sister is ready to see you."

Damon's little face lights up with joy. He quickly jumps out of his chair and grabs Mr. Grey's hand. They walk into the room and the door closes swiftly behind them. "Are you nervous?" Ava asks. I know that since we have officially started dating she has been extremely worried about my love for Phoebe, which is still present in my heart, but my love for Liam will always remain the most significant part of my heart. Phoebe is meant for Liam I know it. 

I grab her hand and squeeze her small fingers, "Nope, just excited to see my little boy's new sister is all. " Her face lights up with relief. I am glad I am with Ava. She is extremely beautiful, honest, loving, and fantastic in bed. I've only ever mentioned the last one to Liam. "What about you? Nervous?"

She shakes her head vigorously no. "I am happy to have a second godchild." That's right! Phoebe named her Damon's legal guardian. I meant to talk to Phoebe about that but seeing as I am now dating her that'll probably be awkward if I say I wanna name my dad's. "Luna is such a name Phoebe would pick." 

I can't help but laugh with her. Phoebe use to make me laugh like that. Her soft laugh and big smile make me laugh with her every time. 

When I look down the hall my breathing stops. "What's wrong?" Ava asks. 

It has been a long time since I have seen her but that is definitely her. Her long dark hair just like Liam's, her resting bitch face that never leaves her, her walk that screams don't mess with me. Once she sees me she stops in her tracks; she takes off her Prada sunglasses and smiles wickedly just as I remember. "Well James, where is my niece?" 

"I am sorry, who the hell are you?" Ava demands. 

"My manners are terrible," She gestures her hand out for Ava to shake it, "Devina Calloway. Liam's sister." As well as being one of my ex-hookups. 

This outta cause Ava to dump me faster than people run through a store on black Friday...

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