Chapter 2

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The last story conference of Meteor Garden went well for everyone. Yue got to know who will portray the iconic F4 and some other casts.

So she was right! The intimidating Daoming Si will be portrayed by Dylan. From his looks to his personality, Dylan is the perfect choice for the iconic Daoming Si.

And today it was already her 3rd day in the set.

"Goodmorning everyone." the jolly Shen Yue greeted the staffs.

"Goodmorning Shan Cai!" one staff handed her a bouquet of roses. While the others cheered for her.

Yue laughed at the welcome gesture. Everyday staffs surprised her. But she's still in cloud nine. She has not fully embraced the fact that she's the new Shan Cai!

She bowed to everyone, thanking them for the warm welcome.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

She was about to bow again when she met a pair of brown eyes.

Dylan smiled at her.

Yue bowed and smiled back at him. That's always the end of their interaction.

Why is this so awkward? She thought.

She already saw how Dylan interacts with the other casts, especially with the F3. He was loud and playful. But it's different with her. Maybe because they haven't fully warmed up with each other yet. She was nice to her the first time they met tho.

Her third shooting day were mostly scenes with Dylan. And they were reprimanded many times because their awkwardness with each other were captured in the camera.

"Dylan! Yue! What do you think you're doing huh?!" the director shouted. "You look like two teenagers  acting shy because you're in front of the one you like!" the director shook his head in dismay. "Daoming Si and Shan Cai treat each other as enemies! Not two awkward lovers!"

Dylan and Yue apologized to their director and other staffs for the delay.

"Okay! Let's have a break!! Let's do this after an hour!! Please rehearse your lines well!" the director shouted before he walked out.

Yue sighed as she was about to go back to her manager. This is not a good day for them.

"Hey Shen Yue." Dylan called.

Yue looked back at him with a questioning look.

"Aren't we practicing our lines?" he shyly asked. His face was so red and he can't look at her in the eyes.

Yue was taken aback. "You.. want to.. practice with me?" she stuttered.

"Mm.. yes? Can you help me with my lines?"

Yue nodded. This is going to be their first time rehearsing together.

Yue laughs everytime Dylan forgets his lines. He's like a little kid throwing tantrums. He would shout crazily. He would stump his feet. Or He would make funny faces. That's a new side of him she has discovered.

Their break was not completely aloted for their line rehearsal. They would also asked random stuffs at each other. It's like a getting to know each other kind of interaction.

Yue discovered that Dylan is a cool guy who likes cool stuffs. He likes rapping. He likes hiphop. He likes everything that he think is cool.

"Wahhh what the FA!" he cursed. He forgot his line again.

Yue just laughed at him. They were rehearsing for almost an hour now.

Dylan looked at her shyly. "Sorry. I forgot my lines again!" he scratched his head.

"It's okay. I sometimes forget my lines too. It's normal. You're not chosen as Daoming Si for nothing! Jia You! You can do it!"

Dylan smiled at Yue. "Thanks Yue!" he pinched her cheek.

Yue blushed at Dylan's gesture. It was the first time he did that to her.

"Thank you for that encouragement! I needed it badly!" he said full of sincerity in his voice. "Thanks buddy!" he patted her head.

Buddy what?

"From now on! I'm calling you my buddy! okay?" He told her and showed her his brightest smile.

That was a genuine smile from him. Her heart fluttered.

"Buddy?" she pouted.

"Yes! You're now my buddy from now on!" He declared. "Dong ShanCai do you understand me?! From now on you're now my official buddy!" he said it in Daoming Si way.

And that earned a laugh from both of them.

"Buddy then." Yue smiled and agreed with him.

The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul. And seems like Dylan and Yue brings that energy to each other's souls.

This is just the beginning of their beautiful friendship😊

"Buddy? Buddy!"


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