Chapter 24

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Yue got out of the powder room and received the call from her friend Feifei.

"Hello Feifei?" she was about to go back to their table when she was taken aback with Dylan's presence. He was leaning on the wall looking so bored.

Dylan immediately stood straight when he heard Yue's voice. She was talking with 'Feifei' on her phone. His brows furrowed with her mentioning that name.

"Fei? I can't fully hear you. I'll get a good signal first then I'll call you back okay? Babye." Yue ended the call.

"Can we talk?" Dylan asked.

Yue just stared at him with her cold expression obviously, she's not in the mood to talk.

"Dylan. We don't have something to talk about." she sighed. "Excuse me." she started walking when Dylan held her arm to stop her.

"Yue, don't do this." he took a deep breath and faced her. "I'm ready to listen now."

She answered him with a smirk and shook her head. She laughed sarcastically and turned to face him with a hurt expression. "Seriously Dylan? After 4 months.." she paused. She bit her lip to control herself from crying before she continued. "After 4 months.. you've finally decided to listen to me?"

"Sorry if it took me long love. I felt hurt and betrayed. Sorry if my ego took over me. I was blinded and so attached with my own truth that i failed to listen to you." he told her full of honesty and sincerity.

Yue's tears started streaming down her face. She couldn't control it anymore. "How selfish can you get?!" she snapped. "I chased and begged so many times but you rejected me." she looked at him straight in the eyes. "I'm a human Dylan! I'm not a robot! I have feelings too.. I know how to love but knows how to get tired and when to give up too."

"Yue pleaseee don't do this to me." Dylan pleaded.

"Sorry Dylan. You were 4 months too late already." Yue brushed off his hand on her arm and started walking when he held it again.

"Is this because of that new guy?" he asked. His brows were furrowed. He was looking straight at her with his piercing eyes. His grip tightened on Yue's arm.

"Dylan that hurts!" she tried to pull away from him but his grip was too tight.

Dylan held Yue's arm tightly and started walking out of the penthouse.

"Dylan! where are you taking me?!" She asked in panick when Dylan started pulling her inside the empty lift. "Dylan let go of my arm or else I'm gonna make a scene!" she warned him but he wasn't listening.

The door closed and he pushed on the button of the floor he was checked in.

"Was it because of that new guy?" he asked again. His jaw tightened at his question.

Yue was about to answer when the lift's door opened and Dylan started pulling her again.

He got his access card and opened his suite. He immediately opened the door and pulled Yue inside.

"Was it because of that guy Yue?!" Dylan asked again and was getting impatient. He was now pinning her behind the closed door.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" she raised her voice at him. "And it's none of your business anymore!"

Dylan shook his head and smiled sarcastically. "It's my business Yue.. because you're always my business." he pulled her on her waist making her moved closer to him.

Yue held her breath when she realized how intimate their position was. She pushed Dylan away but he was too strong. "Dylan!!" she pushed him again but she couldn't make him move.

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