Chapter 25 (Part 1)

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Dylan was lying on his bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. His eyes were already swollen from too much crying. How could she left him so broken?

"Urghhh" Dylan stood up and grabbed the nearest thing his hand could hold and threw it on the wall. Everything was so frustrating.

He sat down on the floor and leaned on the bed and played with the bottle of liquor beside him. He drank directly on it and felt the burning sensation in his throat and tasted it's bitterness.

Dylan took a deep breath before he dipped his face on his cold hands and started crying again.

He was already tired from crying but his eyes won't take a rest.

He remembered how his heart shattered into tiny pieces watching his life walked away from him.
He wanted to feel numb. He wanted to get rid of the pain but he couldn't.

His hopes and dreams died the moment she decided to remove him in her life. He felt embittered.

Everyday is like a dejavu. The booze and cigarette were his companion for the past 3 days since Yue left him.He gets drunk and wasted everynight. He drowned himself from drinking to take away the sadness and loneliness he's feeling.

Dylan lit another cigarette just to pass his time. He puffed on it. It somehow relaxed him.

Dylan stared at his door when it opened. Kuan and Xize walked in together with Connor.

Dylan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"What is he doing here?" he asked.

"He wanted to talk to you." Kuan answered.

This time, Dylan laughed bitterly before he chugged on the bottle of liquor. "We have nothing to talk about."

"Dylan! Stop acting like a kid!" Kuan scolded. "This is long overdue! If only you have lowered your pride way back before then you wouldn't be sulking over your break up with Yue."

"Kuan is right bro." Xize agreed.

Dylan frowned and closed his eyes. He's too tired to fight.

"Dylan you misunderstood everything." Connor started. "Yue came out of my room that morning because I brought her there after she collapsed. Nothing happened between the two of us."

"We told you.. she was too drunk that night right? We were calling you but your phone was turned off." Xize reminded Dylan.

Dylan opened his eyes and stared directly at Connor. "Then why did you bring her in your room?!" he reached for Connor's collar and pulled the guy. He was about to punch him when Kuan and Xize pulled the two away.

"Dylan! Will you let Connor finish first?!" Kuan pushed Dylan away.

Connor sighed and gazed at Dylan with his remorseful face.

"I'm sorry.. it was.." he paused. Connor looked away before he continued. ".. it was a set-up."

"A what?" Dylan walked towards Connor and pulled him on his collar again.

"It was a set-up."

Connor fell on the floor when Dylan threw a punch on his face.

"What the hell?!" Dylan shouted in frustration and threw another punch on Connor's face before Xize stopped him. "What did I do to you?! Why did you do that?!"

Connor wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth and stood up. "You didn't do anything wrong to me." he sighed. His voice was full of regret.

"Then why did you set us up?" Dylan massaged his temple as his brain slowly processed everything.

"Sunqian.." Connor paused. Hesitant to tell Dylan the truth.

Dylan frowned with the sudden mention of Sunqian's name. Did she has anything to do with it?

"It was her idea to set-up Yue. She wanted to ruin her reputation."

"But why the hell did you cooperate with her

"I was inlove with her. I was blinded with that love and followed whatever she wanted me to do." Connor explained.

"Idiot!" Dylan was about to punch him again when Xize stopped him.

"Dylan! Enough!" Kuan scolded him.

"Yue should know this." Dylan immediately brushed off Xize's hands and went to the door.

"Yue knew Dylan. I told her about this right after you saw her came out in my room."

Dylan stared at everyone with a questioning look.

"Do you know about this Kuan? Xize?"

They both shook his head.

"We just knew about this yesterday." Xize answered.

"I need to see Yue."

Dylan was about to go out when Kuan talked.

"Dylan, we've already talked to her." Kuan looked away. "Her decision was final. She has fully given up on you. Just respect her decision"

Dylan froze from where he was standing as she remembered Yue's words.

"Dylan.. don't make this hard for us. My decision is final. Before I can fully love you again, I should start loving myself first." she paused and wiped her tears. "Thank you for the broken heart. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have the courage to find and love myself again. Thank you."

It was his fault why she had given up on him because it was him, who had given up on her first.

He closed his eyes. Kuan was right. He should respect her decision. He has to do this because he loves her so much.

But he'll do this in high hope that she'll still find her way back home to him.


🎶 Cause this angel has flown away from me leaving me in drunken misery..
i should have clipped her wings and made her mine for all eternity
now this angel has flown away from me
tought i had the strength to set her free
Did what i did because i love her so, will she ever find her way back home to me?🎶

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